Now Fallout 4 is a decent game but it's also a lazy piece of work and we 've had it with this BS.
I know large scale RPGs are bound to have issues early on but this release is worst of them of all, I am talking about PC version.
This game seems like its a large mod for Fallout 3 with somewhat updated graphics. When put against Fallout 3, it just seems like its 'more of the same' rather than the 'next stage of evolution' in Fallout franchise.
In fact, the dialogue system has been dumbed down to the point where choices don't really matter much, whether you go 'for an issue' or 'against that issue' you end up in more or less similar situation, doesn't matter which approach you adopt.
Franchise defining Karma and Skill Systems have been removed, why? Why would you water down a hardcoe RPG franchise in the name of so called 'Streamlining'?
Quest design is simply lazy and doesn't make sense at all, The main quest in this game gives a player no excuse to stray from the path and engage in any side quests.
Why would a father, desperately looking for his son, must stop and farm potatoes and melons? There is no consistency, logic and relationship between the main quest and the side quests in this game. If I stop to do all these side quests it feels like I am betraying my son and breaking my protagonist's character. Its a very unthoughtful quest design.
There are no where is my rusty Harley or Honda? This is [censored] 2015, where the [censored] is my ride........every RPG has a ride or mount these days......
And please upgrade your game engine. This engine feels like its from my grand pa's generation, scrap it already. Enemies disappearing in walls, main character or companion getting stuck in open terrain or running through walls and falling through floors.
And companion AI is absolutely crap, Codsworth can't trace a path around a fence .... seriously wtf!! And what's with the companions getting in the way all the time during the combat (specially ranged combat). And how the [censored] after decades of game development you still don't know how to programme companions so that they don't stand in the door ways and trap you inside for [censored] ages.
So please really, get off your [censored] and stop minting your rep, your games won't sell on hype for much longer, this one did.......but i don't think its gonna be the case for your upcoming titles unless your really pick up your act, you have done some good in the past, bring back that effort and inspiration.
Fallout 4 would have been an excellent release back in 2009, but in 2015, almost nothing justifies this unpolished release which is a little more than a large and unrefined expansion of Fallout 3.