Get a refund for Crysis 2

Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:55 am

Guys, don't make a petition to get your money back... If you do that, then you ruin it for all the people who DO enjoy the game, and are awaiting DX11. If you make them give 3,000 people (or more) their money back, they will have no motivation for a DX11 patch...
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Del Arte
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 7:35 pm

OP you're an idiot, who are you to command people to get a refund? I fully enjoy the game and other people too are. Deal with it.
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Jack Moves
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:28 am

by the time you get 3k sign ups, EA will conquere the world and rule it like a true tyran, crysis 10's third dlc map packs are going to be released for 300$/5maps. and cod future warfare 32 will be released on 360 only, and it'll have kinect support
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:26 am

Personally, I think a petition to get a refund is a silly action. They're not going to refund people because I'm sure their legal departments made very sure that they never broke any law...

HOWEVER, I would've supported a petition to get a major gaming site like Kotaku to report on the remarkably poor customer service which gamers have received with this release. At the moment, the fact that some users couldn't play a game they paid for until 12 days after release... the fact that the entire upgrading system broke down for some people to the point of being unusable... the fact that the multiplayer was totally unplayable... the fact that PC users have been asking questions for months before the release of Crysis 2 and being outright ignored (particularly on issues that would've harmed sales... I wouldn't mind if they just came out and said "WE're not releasing Sandbox with Crysis 2 because we're concentrating on getting a good game out first. Sandbox will come when our development cycle has calmed down a bit", but instead PC users have been blanketly ignored)... and all similar issues... (EDIT: I forgot to mention the multiplayer that had like... no anti-cheat at all for two weeks :))

The only people who know about these things are people who are on the gamesas forums and have already bought the game. I would be very happy if a large gaming site brought attention to this to show that this is an inappropriate way to treat customers. EA locked out one gamer for 24 hours from his copy of Dragon Age 2 and it was on all the news sites... some people here were unable to play their game for almost two weeks.

Before people say "this happens with every major release", I'd say... then help stop it from happening in the future! Whilst this treatment of customers stays in the shadow, it will just keep happening every time. Perhaps if RockPaperShotgun, Kotaku or similar reported on it, it might give developers cause to pause... at worst, I'd expect one of these companies to come right out and ask Crytek for a direct answer on such issues as "Is DirectX11 coming?", "Are modding tools coming?" and similar. It's a lot harder to ignore when your "no comment" is going to be published on an international gaming site.

So... I'm not signing this petition, but if you start another one, trying to get 3000 signatures from PC users disappointed with the Crysis 2 after-purchase service to send to a few major gaming sites, PM me.
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Joey Bel
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:44 am

Uh, Actually EA from their store, they have already removed the option to purchase Crysis 2 for PC. A MASSIVE STEP saying the product is broken. Realistically this should be treated as a recall product.
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Abel Vazquez
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:55 am

I always get a chuckle out of internet petitions.
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:54 am

Exactly what wasn't given/isn't working?

Honestly I don't get the entire 'console port' argument, as the criteria you give for such a statement would make Half Life 2 a 'console port'

A: Linear gameplay: Check, HL2 is even worse then Crysis 2 for that. At least in crysis 2 you could choose a strategy for each room (Stealth, flanking, sniping, etc etc) HL2 you shoot everything that moves, occasionally use the kick ass gravity gun.
B: Simplistic controls: Check, again HL2 has less things to worry about.
C: DX9: Check.
D: Small texture sizes and several graphical upgrades that could be in theory done aren't: Check.
E: Simple story: Check (Come on HL2 doesn't really have a extensive story. Aliens come from another dimensions and kill people, you shoot said aliens+zombies under orders from various good guys.)

Therefore by using this forums criteria Half Life 2 is nothing more then a bad console port.

Personally I'd like to see you try and get your money back, I'd love to see the courts laugh in your face.
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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 6:33 pm

Exactly what wasn't given/isn't working?

Honestly I don't get the entire 'console port' argument, as the criteria you give for such a statement would make Half Life 2 a 'console port'

A: Linear gameplay: Check, HL2 is even worse then Crysis 2 for that. At least in crysis 2 you could choose a strategy for each room (Stealth, flanking, sniping, etc etc) HL2 you shoot everything that moves, occasionally use the kick ass gravity gun.
B: Simplistic controls: Check, again HL2 has less things to worry about.
C: DX9: Check.
D: Small texture sizes and several graphical upgrades that could be in theory done aren't: Check.
E: Simple story: Check (Come on HL2 doesn't really have a extensive story. Aliens come from another dimensions and kill people, you shoot said aliens+zombies under orders from various good guys.)

Therefore by using this forums criteria Half Life 2 is nothing more then a bad console port.

Personally I'd like to see you try and get your money back, I'd love to see the courts laugh in your face.

Haha oh wow... comparing a 7 year old game to a game that is just 3 weeks old...

Jfyi, HL always had liniar gameplay its a trademark and nothing will change that, you can't just call it a prot cause its linar... crysis on the other hand traded its wide/open level approach for linar corridors due to limitations of consoles (hints at yarlis interview from 2007 [] where he even mentions that level design needs to be changed so it can run on consoles)

Plus HL2 was a major improvment from HL1, it offerd better graphic, the best use of a physic engien in game that affected gameplay, a grevity gun. Everything was better then HL1, on crysis2 on the other hand levels got smaler, graphics are worse, physics/destructible environment reduced to bare minimum and other little details that make it worse then the first game.

Most of your arguments make no sense... since HL2 is in every aspect you mentioned a improvment over HL1.

Oh and about **** story... well at least it has continuity, you still play the main chat, you still meet most of the major sode chars from part 1... not like crysis2 where they basically **** over everythgin from part...
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 12:27 am

Uh, Actually EA from their store, they have already removed the option to purchase Crysis 2 for PC. A MASSIVE STEP saying the product is broken. Realistically this should be treated as a recall product.
Hmm your right, it's not available for purchase on the US store, very weird (wonder if it is due to the bugs?).
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benjamin corsini
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 7:29 am

Lots of ****

What I'm hearing.


If you're using the game is dumbed down argument, time doesn't matter. Heck you can compare the gameplay of Quake/Doom with any new release, because technology doesn't change gameplay, it just makes it look better.

Also a game doesn't have to build upon it's predecessor, it can go for something completely different (See Doom 2 - Doom 3, Quake 1+2 - Quake 3, TF1 - TF2, I can go on), and in such case must be judged on its own merits, not on the merits of its previous game.

Also you don't have to be the same dude between titles. See Quake 1 - 2 (Heck they completely changed the story there), Most of the old CoD's (the good ones), Warcraft series.

So again, based only on the gameplay, and without referring to Crysis 1 (Crysis 2 is a new game) , how is crysis 2 more consolized then HL2?
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Louise Andrew
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:53 am

just to really annoy you i actually really liked Crysis 2. Great story and a good game. I am now replaying Crysis warhead and also loving it. Anyway. im off. Cloak engaged. You lot = Maximum.. WINGE.
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:14 am

if it was broken everyone would CTD (Crash To Desktop) every time they started the game up or it wouldnt install or somthing. if that happend yes i would want a refund. however, most crashes/problems out there area caused by NOT READING THE REQUIRED SYSTEM SETTINGS.
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victoria gillis
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:24 am

Exactly what wasn't given/isn't working?

Honestly I don't get the entire 'console port' argument, as the criteria you give for such a statement would make Half Life 2 a 'console port'

A: Linear gameplay: Check, HL2 is even worse then Crysis 2 for that. At least in crysis 2 you could choose a strategy for each room (Stealth, flanking, sniping, etc etc) HL2 you shoot everything that moves, occasionally use the kick ass gravity gun.
B: Simplistic controls: Check, again HL2 has less things to worry about.
C: DX9: Check.
D: Small texture sizes and several graphical upgrades that could be in theory done aren't: Check.
E: Simple story: Check (Come on HL2 doesn't really have a extensive story. Aliens come from another dimensions and kill people, you shoot said aliens+zombies under orders from various good guys.)

Therefore by using this forums criteria Half Life 2 is nothing more then a bad console port.

Personally I'd like to see you try and get your money back, I'd love to see the courts laugh in your face.

Haha oh wow... comparing a 7 year old game to a game that is just 3 weeks old...

Jfyi, HL always had liniar gameplay its a trademark and nothing will change that, you can't just call it a prot cause its linar... crysis on the other hand traded its wide/open level approach for linar corridors due to limitations of consoles (hints at yarlis interview from 2007 [] where he even mentions that level design needs to be changed so it can run on consoles)

Plus HL2 was a major improvment from HL1, it offerd better graphic, the best use of a physic engien in game that affected gameplay, a grevity gun. Everything was better then HL1, on crysis2 on the other hand levels got smaler, graphics are worse, physics/destructible environment reduced to bare minimum and other little details that make it worse then the first game.

Most of your arguments make no sense... since HL2 is in every aspect you mentioned a improvment over HL1.

Oh and about **** story... well at least it has continuity, you still play the main chat, you still meet most of the major sode chars from part 1... not like crysis2 where they basically **** over everythgin from part...

How the hell did you get from that to a perfect spelling of continuity and destructible?
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:17 am

Crysis 2 had a great story? When?
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Tanika O'Connell
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 9:47 pm

microsoft windows had more issues than any games out there, everyone used it since they got a pc, everyone will use it till they have a pc, none is going to get refund, none is going to get whatever they want...
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Charlotte X
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 6:28 pm

Stop whining and be patient with them. THEY WILL fix everything with the game. You and others demand Perfection immediately, just man up and wait.
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:14 am

They are not the first to do it and they surely won't be the last. Yeah its svcks but thats just how it is with software. Software companies have been screwing consumers for the longest time. Because of the nature of the business, you are always at risk when purchasing games early because there is a high chance of the game having issues.

Actually it used to NOT be this way. Games were complete and functional when they were released. The big publishing houses started releasing games before they were ready to meet deadlines because they COULD. This was back in 1993 already. The issue is that there's no legal recourse for gamers to take the product back if it doesn't perform as intended. THAT is the real issue.

And it is people like THIS:
Stop whining and be patient with them. THEY WILL fix everything with the game. You and others demand Perfection immediately, just man up and wait.

That continue to propagate the "it's ok" mentality, when it is NOT.
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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:58 am

The whole case with Infinity Ward and Modern Warfare 2 is an example of totally screwing PC gamers.

The whole case with Crytek and Crysis 2 IS NOT an example of screwing PC gamers. They are still finishing the game for us. They have yet to release/finish DX11 and adavanced options. They have various patches and updates to do and have released a few (look, patch 1.2 is great for me, I guess it's just SOME people who have a problem with it. If anything it DID fix issues for quite a number of gamers).

You guys are unsupportive impatient idiots. Not fans either lol, and you guys say "CRYTEK PROMISED [Insert Whatever]" when in reality, THEY NEVER PROMISED SUCH A THING. Lol, just get over yourselves. Wipe the tears and wait for Crytek to finish up or just leave the forums and move on to another game.
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Aman Bhattal
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:54 am

The whole case with Infinity Ward and Modern Warfare 2 is an example of totally screwing PC gamers.

The whole case with Crytek and Crysis 2 IS NOT an example of screwing PC gamers. They are still finishing the game for us. They have yet to release/finish DX11 and adavanced options. They have various patches and updates to do and have released a few (look, patch 1.2 is great for me, I guess it's just SOME people who have a problem with it. If anything it DID fix issues for quite a number of gamers).

You guys are unsupportive impatient idiots. Not fans either lol, and you guys say "CRYTEK PROMISED [Insert Whatever]" when in reality, THEY NEVER PROMISED SUCH A THING. Lol, just get over yourselves. Wipe the tears and wait for Crytek to finish up or just leave the forums and move on to another game.

I agree with this.
There's no cure for stupidity.
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Melly Angelic
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:16 am

Why don't you people get over yourself?

Seriously... you'd think some of these people never played a PC game at launch before, lol. So far I've encountered about 3 or 4 AI bugs (actually the same one multiple times) and one "fall through the world" bug. I've put over 8 hours into the campaign so far, but I admit I haven't played online.

Frankly, that's pretty good for any PC game at launch, let alone one that lunatics are signing a petition to get a refund for. Lol.
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 10:38 pm

For anyone who would like to get a refund, I suggest contacting EA customer support. I did so today and was able to get a full refund for my purchase of Crysis 2.

They asked why I wanted a refund and I plainly stated that the game is plagued by a number of glitches and bugs. I stated some examples of problems I was having. BTW none of them had to do with meeting the necessary system requirements.

When the game is actually finished, has dx11 support and the major bugs that never should have been are taken care of, I will consider repurchasing the game. Probably when they discount it on Steam...

Anyhow, the representative refunded my game and all is well. Took about 5 minutes. Good luck!
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 7:53 am

U mad bro?
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:55 pm

Do you think I can get a refund for the Brady Games guide book too? It has misspelled words in it and the maps in it are really small and hard to read unless I use a pair of reading glasses. (I'm being a bit sarcastic here but it's true!)

The only problem I have found with the game itself is:

My character doesn't jump right away, like it does in other online games I've played and that's a bit frustrating not having the control I need to play well.

Sometimes when I die and re-spawn, my reflex sight is missing, then like magic it re-appears, or not until next round.

Hackers abound....

I really enjoy the graphics and storyline overall of the singleplayer part, and wish I could have been able to collect all the nano catalysts to unlock stuff on the first run through, but maybe it will work when I try it again.

This is the only Crysis version I have played. Would anyone recommend the first one? Would it be worth me buying and playing it I mean?
Thanks for reading.

Good luck with the petition thing.
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 12:38 am

You think this game is bad? EA and Crytek lied? Please, this is NOTHING compared to what Codemasters did with OFP:DR and RR...sure its been consolified to some point but really its not THAT bad to be compared to a "steaming pile of crap".

At least Crytek is offering post release support.
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 7:36 pm

good luck, hahah 35 signatures.
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