Get a refund for Crysis 2

Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 7:22 am

Throughout the development of Crysis 2 lies were spread by the developers. Time and time again we were promised one thing - but received another.

The position we are taking is as follows:

Had EA and Crytek not knowingly defrauded consumers by being honest about Crysis 2 - most of their PC pre-orders would never have been made. They promised us a PC game. They delivered an unplayable steaming pile of crap.

If this petition gets to 3,000 signatures then legal steps will be taken to get refunds for all of us who want them.
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Emma Copeland
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:49 am

Why don't you people get over yourself?
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 9:24 pm

Say what you want "genius" but the fact of the matter is that Crytek released Crysis 2 to the PC community while the game still had significant issues. This needs to be addressed!
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Sabrina Steige
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:00 am

They are not the first to do it and they surely won't be the last. Yeah its svcks but thats just how it is with software. Software companies have been screwing consumers for the longest time. Because of the nature of the business, you are always at risk when purchasing games early because there is a high chance of the game having issues.
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Marion Geneste
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:33 am

Exactly and that's why this has nothing to do with "getting over ourselves."

Crytek built an entire community through the original Crysis and then completely neglected that community with the release of Crysis 2.

The game is not what was promised and with the game's numerous issues, it is safe to deem the product broken.

With that being said, I feel the community should work together to have their "faulty product" refunded.
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 10:15 pm

[quote="MisterMischief"]Throughout the development of Crysis 2 lies were spread by the developers. Time and time again we were promised one thing - but received another.

The position we are taking is as follows:

Had EA and Crytek not knowingly defrauded consumers by being honest about Crysis 2 - most of their PC pre-orders would never have been made. They promised us a PC game. They delivered an unplayable steaming pile of crap.

If this petition gets to 3,000 signatures then legal steps will be taken to get refunds for all of us who want them.

I disagree with you, yes there is no DX11 as expected, but crysis 2 nevertheless very beautiful, is very playable with at least 30fps, but it sure is there in a lot of things to review, but DX11 is not dreaming because scaffold they redo the whole map

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Shirley BEltran
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 9:21 pm

Why don't you people get over yourself?
Whaddaya mean YOU people?

People with constitution? I don't think that's something to 'get over' as the quandary lies therein.
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 9:04 pm

Exactly and that's why this has nothing to do with "getting over ourselves."

Crytek built an entire community through the original Crysis and then completely neglected that community with the release of Crysis 2.

The game is not what was promised and with the game's numerous issues, it is safe to deem the product broken.

With that being said, I feel the community should work together to have their "faulty product" refunded.
Did they claim to have built their entire community around the original Crysis? Or did you and everyone else get excited about the sequel to the game we all loved, the original Crysis.

They are two separate things entirely.

It's not broken at all. You can claim it is broken. Try to view it objectively instead of subjectively for once. if anyone were to test your claim and play the game. They would clearly see it as a working product. You are dramatizing everything to suit yourself. That's why you need to get over yourselves.
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Bonnie Clyde
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 10:58 pm

They are not the first to do it and they surely won't be the last. Yeah its svcks but thats just how it is with software. Software companies have been screwing consumers for the longest time. Because of the nature of the business, you are always at risk when purchasing games early because there is a high chance of the game having issues.

I see your point sir, however I agree with the OP as well. Why do we have to expect this? Why is bad behavior being accepted? I am not sure if sueing for a refund will even work, however by not purchasing games from them could send a clear message. Then again, they may blame it on pirating instead of their poor behavior and shoddy product.
The issue isn't a matter, perse, of it having issues, its a matter of the promises that were made, things that they said they were doing that were not. I do not know if any legal standing could be done because the term "PC first" could be considered broad and generalized.
Could use the interview regarded in this
Then provide evidence of the PC demo perhaps.

However the following article sends a mixed message

It could be considered they mentioned it was being produced with the lowest common denominator however Yerli also trys to make it sound like they are not.

I am no lawyer so not sure if these news publications can be used for legal purposes. From a consumer stand point they flat out lied and Yerli tried to pull a CYA (cover your a**). From a legal stand point would need more I think for an acctual civil lawsuit. I could be wrong however they obviously did the PC community wrong, some are just too blind to see it.
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Wayne W
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:16 pm

Exactly and that's why this has nothing to do with "getting over ourselves."

Crytek built an entire community through the original Crysis and then completely neglected that community with the release of Crysis 2.

The game is not what was promised and with the game's numerous issues, it is safe to deem the product broken.

With that being said, I feel the community should work together to have their "faulty product" refunded.

The get over yourself relates to the fact that you and everyone else who are consistently whining over the game to the point where the actual complaints crosses into absurdity automatically negates the bulk of your claim. For one being fanatical does not make your claims more valid and secondly you and everyone else are not the first persons on the planet who have experienced a buggy game in addition you are not going to be the last. Refunds for PC games are exceptionally rare and there is little justification for a refund. All of this is not new to any PC gamer, so i don't understand this sense of betrayal or obligation that folks believe Crytek should have for them.
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emily grieve
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 7:12 am

For someone named geniusprime, you sure aren't a geniusprime.

The core essentials didn't ship with Crysis 2. Is it absurd to request DX11 in a Crytek game in 2011 on the PC? Or how about punkbuster? Maybe a save feature? Seriously, what is the most absurd complaint you have run across here?
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Alkira rose Nankivell
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:21 am

I am afraid there is no point doing the petition. We could do a signed petition to ask for improvements, that would be fair. i would suggest these points
But the graphic part would probably be the only point where Crytek has marteked the fact that a PC version would have improved engine ? But anything that has been said cannot be used legally, I think.
And the bigest issues of this game IMHO is simply the gameplay, and not the graphics. Well a game can be a flop or a success, that's life.
Crytek is loosing PC fans, fullpoint, and they deserve it unless they release a brand new PC extension, for free
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James Smart
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:16 am

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le GraiN
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 7:50 pm

How is he implying in any way that simply requesting DX11 or punkbuster is "absurd?" You're not simply requesting. You're on an internet forum trying to gather 3,000 signatures to get a 60$ refund. Not because the game is broken. But because you didn't get exactly what you wanted.

See the truth for what it is.
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Katy Hogben
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:18 am

I see your point sir, however I agree with the OP as well. Why do we have to expect this? Why is bad behavior being accepted? I am not sure if sueing for a refund will even work, however by not purchasing games from them could send a clear message. Then again, they may blame it on pirating instead of their poor behavior and shoddy product.
The issue isn't a matter, perse, of it having issues, its a matter of the promises that were made, things that they said they were doing that were not. I do not know if any legal standing could be done because the term "PC first" could be considered broad and generalized.
Could use the interview regarded in this
Then provide evidence of the PC demo perhaps.

However the following article sends a mixed message

It could be considered they mentioned it was being produced with the lowest common denominator however Yerli also trys to make it sound like they are not.

I am no lawyer so not sure if these news publications can be used for legal purposes. From a consumer stand point they flat out lied and Yerli tried to pull a CYA (cover your a**). From a legal stand point would need more I think for an acctual civil lawsuit. I could be wrong however they obviously did the PC community wrong, some are just too blind to see it.

Well its always a good idea to read up on a released products first before purchasing. There are many physical products( hardware) that claim to have several features prior to release and when it is released they are lacking said features. You cannot sue or claim damages for that because the company was not legally obligated to hold to those claims. The same would apply to Crytek. They would not be legally be obligated to any thing they said before. They are obligated to anything that is advertised or written with regards to the retail version.

Secondly, is there a clear understanding of what PC first consoles second really means? There are so many ways of meeting that vague criteria.

In the end its really just poor customer relation. Every consumer has the option not to buy and its is the customers responsibility to research the released version of the product prior to purchasing.

It would be a different story if the retail version advertised and claim DX11 compatibility and it was absent.
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:32 am

done signed.
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Kat Lehmann
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:48 pm

That made me Lol.
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:58 pm

Well, I know that, heh, I was saying that what we requested wasn't particularly out of the ordinary for a game this day in age.

It's not like we asked Crytek for a million dollars, we just want basic features that should be automatically present in any PC game in the year 2011.

I know gathering signatures is pretty pointless, but the game is fairly broken.
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:36 am

Lol 25 Signatures in 2 days. You go girl!
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Katey Meyer
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:17 am

For anyone who isn't clear, this has more to do with just getting back $60.

This is a way to draw attention and raise awareness. Crytek failed to deliver a working product to consumers. If you bought any other product that was not a video game, and during initial use you found the product to be faulty you would simply return the product for a refund.

How is Crysis 2 or any other broken game different? It is a product and should be treated as such.

The Crysis 2 forums are filled with posts from consumers who have experienced these issues, that since release have not been fully addressed by Crytek. We have waited and little to nothing has been done. Now we are fed up and we want something to be done.
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Svenja Hedrich
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:13 am

Actually under European law, you can ask for a refund from a 'distance' seller for 7 days after purchase and dont have to give a reason. They cant not give you it, just ask :) (EA Store and live support FTW) Saying that, im pretty sure US law is totally different, so no idea what you can do. Best of luck though!
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 11:40 pm

If you bought any other product that was not a video game, and during initial use you found the product to be faulty you would simply return the product for a refund.

How is Crysis 2 or any other broken game different? It is a product and should be treated as such.
Just a question because I'm not well informed about US law/rights:
Can't you return a software in the US if it does not work?
Here in Germany I would have problems if I want to return it because it does not have a feature I expected (e.g. DX11).
But if it does not work (e.g. the multiplayer part) there is no problem (or better: I never had one) to return it.
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Alexander Horton
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:09 pm

'Fit for purpose' would be what that comes under. Its like somebody selling you a car with no brakes. Yes its a car, and you bought it, but you cant use it for driving around in, like ah.. umm... car!. EU law again :)
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Natalie J Webster
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:35 am

Well its always a good idea to read up on a released products first before purchasing. There are many physical products( hardware) that claim to have several features prior to release and when it is released they are lacking said features. You cannot sue or claim damages for that because the company was not legally obligated to hold to those claims. The same would apply to Crytek. They would not be legally be obligated to any thing they said before. They are obligated to anything that is advertised or written with regards to the retail version.

Secondly, is there a clear understanding of what PC first consoles second really means? There are so many ways of meeting that vague criteria.

In the end its really just poor customer relation. Every consumer has the option not to buy and its is the customers responsibility to research the released version of the product prior to purchasing.

It would be a different story if the retail version advertised and claim DX11 compatibility and it was absent.

Of course it is always a good idea to do research. Had I known about this (which was over a year ago) I might have hesitated.

"But obviously, you’re really developing for the lowest common denominator, although we won’t go into which console that is, the two versions have to be the same, right?"


However in the same interview he goes on to state the following

" They have to find a way to experience Nanosuits and New York and the sandbox freeform experience, all of these things have to be a part of the technical execution".
These are things you experiance mostly on a PC level.
Then later on he states
"There ultimately, there has been literally no compromise whatsoever, because I worked on it, not just as a PC game. Actually one was no different apart from the pressure of making it more positive and I didn’t want it to make a PC-like game on console."

Then if you add more recent information from


"Speaking in a video interview with Games.On.Net, Camarillo said that Crytek wanted to bring a Crysis-like gameplay experience to consoles - something he thought that it lacked - and that fundamentally meant that the PC had to be the primary platform. That goal, he said, was one of the motivating factors behind the creation of CryEngine 3. He said that Crytek had torn apart the engine that the first Crysis had run on, and rebuilt it so that it could scale more easily on consoles."

Many understandably thought Crytek was making Crysis a PC game first. Looking back it was a very good bait and switch.

Unlike PC games, hardware tends to state what it is capable of and what it is not...usually. You can generaly return the hardware for a refund or an exchange of something of equal or lesser value.
PC software has to be opened, installed and used before this can be assertained...that usually means we cannot return it and rarely sell it to recoup lost funds.
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Mandi Norton
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 12:53 am

I dont even consider this a squeal to the 07 original Crysis. As a matter of fact, I feel very insulted as a PC gamer that has played the original Crysis + Warhead. This **** doesn't belong in the PC gaming category. This belongs to the consoles. Should of never came out for the PC.

The reason why we are upset with Crysis 2 is that its a **** console port! Yeah thats right. & dont u tell me its not.

Everything from gameplay style & level design are all console port. Cmon! where do I start? oh how about the fact that theres NO sandbox editor?! Really?! wow Crysis 1+warhead had support for modding the game. Yet in the big squeal, they take it out. Nice.
Also, how come we are stuck with only ONE default crosshair? I don't know about others but I'm used to the old school + sign crosshair we felt in love with.

Lets go into level design. The fact that it feels so limited to what you can do &where u can go & how certain places are blocked off feels very dumbed down (especially for a game like crysis).
The gameplay also feels so different. The whole suit modules upgrades are stupid & again feels like a console feature. For a game like crysis & its realism, there shouldn't be any of that! This is CRYSIS. Keep it that way. The way we knew it from the original.

Cryteck should of kept this game exclusive to console users... I mean theres not much we're missing out. So Prophet makes a short cameo. Whoopie doo.. Forget that... we want to know what happen to Nomad&Psycho... I dont see how this is in anyway a follow up to the first game.
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