I don't understand why magic users still have to use potions and draw from a "mana pool". Would it not make more sense to have spells work much like Energy Weapons in Fallout: New Vegas? Before you set me aflame, what I mean by this is having spells have a set base damage and rate of fire. High damage spells would cast slower, where low damage and dot spells would cast faster. You could still put points toward your "magika level", but instead have that effect the damage and rate of fire formulas for casting. What do you think?
Having not read much of that truthfully....
Your comparing energy weapons, something in the Fallout series yes but -hardly- exclusive to and suggesting that as a basis to Magic? Might aswell use guns or Flamethrowers.
Throw a way to handle magic out there if you have a good one. Getting inspiration to handle it from base weapons just brings the question, why not have a tiny pistol you can shoot elemental bullets/blasts from.
Just not a very good setup for Magic or your proposal to dump the MP stat.
EDIT: Also, in titles like Fallout or any shooter/RPG or a hybrid that might have a weapon like that take into consideration it had it's own "potion" you had to stck up on to keep using the energy weapon wether it's microfusion cells or otherwise.
Your proposals doable but it doesn't show any way to limit use of magic which technically should cost -something- which is where MP comes into place and then potions to restore it.
Unless the mage in question is All Mighty or the world had found a small or manageable source that allows them to use magic at no cost.