Exactly. Engineer is mainly a support class, but unlike Medics their support comes in the form of building, repairing, and defusing things. It's not overpowered in the slightest.
What people may not realize is that Soldiers have a lot of things they can be blowing up, and on top of that they are also mobile ammo boxes. Medics have the whole healing and reviving thing, which should keep them plenty busy. And Operatives have a multitude of ways in which they work with and against the other classes. Plenty of things to hack, plenty of dead bodies to get radar and disguises from, plenty of things you could be EMP'ing, etc.
And, like Obliviondoll said before me, spotting mines and stuff.
I'm sooooooooo glad I'm going for Medic and Soldier--much easier to keep track of. The other classes feel like they are going to be a bit of a pain for
me personally to memorize their tasks, lol. I mean, I sometimes forget what to do in Call of Duty games and Killzone 2, imagine me doing the non-Medic/non-Soldier classes in Brink, lol! For example, I can definitely see myself going like this: "Oh, I forget, who can disarm mines? Was it Engineer or Operative? But wait, Operative can spot them, but only Engineers can disarm them? Wait, who can hack--ah, Operative, no,...wait, Engineer, no, wait! Wait, who has EMP'ing, Operative or Engineer, who has mines, wait Operative have sticky bombs, aaaaaahhhhhhh! :ahhh: :lmao: