Also, I think friendly fire should be defaulted to ON.
This would be disastrous just as it is in any other shooter.
With the relatively close-quarter maps and the fact this is a new title that seems to have a relatively steep learning curve
when compared to other FPS games setting friendly-fire to ON as the default would only discourage most gamers and might
create a more negative and slow pace to the game that the developers did not intend. This looks to be a hectic, almost twitch
style of shooter at times and friendly-fire would cause more problems than it's worth.
However, I would have no problem with friendly-fire being set to ON as the default so long as friendly weapons and explosives
did half the damage to team mates.
Something I noticed but it could be just bad luck, but during the part with disguises the enemy engineer can clearly tell that the Operative is not part of his team, because he doesn't glow blue when targeted like the rest of his team. Hopefully they fix this.
Actually, I think this will be fine. It seems any and everything included in this game has a counter to it. This is one of the
counters directed towards disguised Ops. If there were no visible counters then a disguised Op could ALWAYS flank the
enemy, kill some of them, and/or capture a CP or objective with the utmost ease before the enemy team figures it out.