I'm not some total munchkin lamenting the downfall of table top. I honestly mean it. Do they even know (or try to know) why we like RPG's? From titles like Skyrim, it would seem like they don't... So here is the answer. It's Freedom. Personal freedom and self accountability in a fun, interesting and low consequence environment. It's so obvious. That's why it's called fantasy. The point of playing RPG's is to make decisions. Not to watch some brilliant plot unfold. I have Chris Nolan for that. It's to exercise perfect control over one thing... your character (sheet). I'm not talking about nerfing one class or buffing another. I'm talking about PLOT V.S. CHARACTER. The "storyteller" creates and controls everything in the world (table top or console). The premise is that the player characters can interact with and manipulate cretin parts of that world... But we all know that that is an illusion. You find the clue when and where the "storyteller" wanted you to find it etc, etc... In actuality, ultimately the "storyteller" controls every outcome in the game world, he just lets the player characters think and feel like it was due to them.
So if we know it's a lie than why do we like to play? Because the characters and more importantly the "storyteller", have an unspoken agreement... (The one Bethesda and others love to break) That rule is that the player characters control themselves (i.e. their character sheet). The story teller can't just turn your 8th level fighter into a 12th level wizard. It is the one realm, the single, solitary spec of control that the player characters have. And that is why we like to play these games. An amateur (or just plain bad) "storyteller" manipulates his players character sheets (not their emotions or perceptions) to arrive at the desired plot outcome. Presumably to execute and realize his creative vision (at the expense of the players enjoyment). The number one way (table top or otherwise) that good RPG's go bad is because "storytellers" make the conscious decision to turn their players characters into plot devices.
Please stop. I pay good money for these games and all I want is for my character (and his emotions, opinions, skills and abilities) to be under my control. We can't rewrite the code and change your world. So please, Just leave our characters alone. Don't force the character that you told me I controlled, you asked me to make in the beginning of the game... Don't force him to have spells or a voice in his head or turn into another class or any of your other contrivances. You worry about the world and let us worry about our characters.