If it's true, it's got me to wondering if some naming conventions would allow us to do a few useful things. E.g. If all mod-added player homes used "MyHome" as a cell name prefix, you could find out if the player is in any of his homes with a single call. (You'd still need 8 more for the Oblivion.esm collection, but at least there's always the same number, and an OBSE user function can do those). It doesn't look as if there would be any need to use mod de-isolation or anything.
So this thread is to find out
- if there are any other functions like it that use string data instead of formIDs, and thus might work across mods.
- if there's any support for adoption of naming conventions to assist cell interchange (or anything else using strings)
- if there are any other wrinkles to this. E.g. could you rename a cell via script (Like SetCellFullName but working on the "real" name) to make it eligible?