Ive had a script implemented as the result of a terminal menu item now for at least a year. It's worked fine. Up until now. I've not touched or gone anywhere near the terminal, so what could have changed to alter this or stop it from working?
float Rndmset Rndm to GetRandomPercentif flightpath == 0set flightpath to 1ShowMessage DEBUGrndmif Rndm < 5 ;do something etc...elseif Rndm < 10 ;do something else random etc.......endif
It basically checks to see if the called random variable is between anything fifth number (5, 10, 15, 20 etc) all the way upto 100 (being a percentage naturally).
The flightpath part is a global I've created which is part of a 3 step process. You first need to set some co-ordinates, then hit a button and finally turn a dial. I don't believe this affects it.
Now as I say, this has worked fine and I haven't modified anything within the body of script. Also, I've asked the script to show a message declaring the randomised Rndm variable once you're out of the terminal.
Sure enough, it shows the variable as having set to 0. Every time. I'm pulling my hair out now. Any ideas?