SCN ArbTrainingSpellScriptShort BaseTargetBegin scripteffectstartSet BaseTarget to GetSelfSet ArbTraining.NpcTarget to BaseTargetend
Now here is the quest script code I can't save...
SCN ArbTrainingQuestScriptShort NpcTargetShort PartShort ButtonBegin GameMode If ( Part == 1 && NpcTarget.GetInFaction ArbFollowersFaction == 1 ) Messagebox "What would you like to do?", "Train a warrior.", "Train a mage." "Train a rogue." Set Part to 2 Else Message "That isn't one of your students."Endif if ( Part == 2 ) Set Button to ( GetButtonPressed + 1 ) If ( Button == 1 ) Set Part to 3 ElseIf ( Button == 2 ) Set Part to 4 ElseIf ( Button == 3) Set Part to 5Endif EndifEnd
Any ideas why this isn't working? Why does the Cs cry about NpcTarget not being an an object reference or whatever when I clearly defined it in the the spell above?
It's so annoying how it isn't letting me save.