This. The game is fine (for the most part), I have logged 25 hours with no crashing. Clean and optimize your rig. A patch won't fix your issues.
Don't crash
tis you
who is the
yea, its you
that needs
to learn
to work
a computer
*golf clap*
Yeah, that's why every other game I own (Save the listed ones further along.) runs flawlessly. :rolleyes: It's only Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, and now Skyrim that consistently have this problem, on 5 different computers, yup, it's my rig all right. See the pattern? All using a variation of the Gamebryo engine, (Morrowinds engine was called NetImmerse, which became Gamebryo.) and developed by Bethesda.
Blame the engine, blame Bethesda, or a bit of both but you can't deny there is a track record of buggy engines with buggy programming along the way.
And why would simply adding the LAA patch fix the crashing if it was our systems? Please do tell? Same system, just the game has more resource to draw from.
Having said that,
I still love their games when I get them all tweaked and playable to my taste.