» Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:58 pm
No, I think that the thugs or assassin only show up once per 'infraction', and if they show up at all is a highly random, highly unlikely chance to begin with. It's kind of interesting, but poorly implemented I think.
I was smithing in Riverwood late one night, very early in the game and needed one steel ingot to finish what I was doing. Since Alvor was in bed I figured I wouldn't want to wake him so I just picked up one the ingots he had lying by the workbench and went on my way. Ten levels later I got jumped by thugs in Ivarstead with a note from Alvor telling them to 'teach him a lesson, or kill him if need be.' I was very sad because I thought of Alvor as my friend, but when I went to confront him, he just had the same dialogue as always, no mention of the fact he'd tried to have me killed or maimed. Little things like that kind of keep adding on to my disappointment with an otherwise great game, and chip away at my affection for Bethesda.