. Go guns - guns are cheap, ammo is common, and there enough guns that you won't get bored like you would using the same laser rifle for 20 hours. A silenced/scoped varmit rifle can clear the entire NCRCF.
2. Stick to the roads - for the early part your playthrough stick to the main roads, faction patrols and caravans wander the major routes and keep them clear. High level creatures spawn away from roads (for the most part)
3. Follow the golden road - don't expect to get to New Vegas anytime soon, following the highway north from Goodsprings only leads you to one of the deadliest places in the game. Follow the main quest, looping down through Primm around Nipton to Novac then New Vegas, you will spare you're self a lot of grief.
4. When you get to Primm go in the Mojave Express building, there is something that will make your life a lot easier
5. Side with the New California Republic - the NCR are the "good guys" of New Vegas, and if you start killing them they can make your life hell since 70% of the game world is NCR territory. Not to mention they have the most quests and will get the most out of your first playthrough.
6. Beware of Ceaser's Legion - just because they wear skirts doesn't mean they are wimps.
7. $$$ - if you're low on money sneak kill respawning NPCs for loot [DISCLAIMER: I take no responsability for when you get killing trying to sneak kill a NCR Veteran Ranger with a silenced .22 pistol]
8. This ain't your average FPS - this isn't Call of Duty, and you're not demi-god. Runnin' and gunnin' will only get you so far, some times your wits - or a block of tactically placed C-4 - will be the only thing standing between you and certain death
9. DEATHCLAWS - if you see one, don't even try to fight. Just turn around and run like hell. Even a on very easy a deathclaw will kill you in two or three hits wait until you have an anti-materiel rifle (the Fallout version of the Barret .50 cal) before getting within a mile of it.
10. Have fun! Fallout is one of the best games ever!
I disagree with most of what you say :s. Dont mean to be a troll XD.
1. Yes, its probably better to stick with Guns. So I agree ^^
2. Sort of agree. You dont necessarily HAVE to stick to roads, since you might take the wrong path and end up somehow in Sloan and get 1HKO by fifty million gazillion Deathclaws before you have the time to draw your weapon or even say a prayer. Just follow the marker, and use the wiki or ask on here if you are unsure.
3. Yep. Do Goodsprings, ask around. On to Primm, help them out (Or dont). Optional to help them with a sheriff, though I suggest you do for easy XP. Then on to Nipton. Talk to the Legion real quick (Or just side step em). Progress on to Novac, ask around a bit there. I suggest you help Boone out, get him as a companion. Then straight onto Freeside. Stay there for a bit, get some caps, and head into New Vegas. Talk around a bit, play in some of the casinos, pick which faction you want to side with, and start working for them. tl;dr: Goodsprings-Primm-Nipton-Novac-Freeside-New Vegas-Faction
4. ED-E DOES make your life easier. Id pick him up, he gives a nice Perception bonus, but you dont necessarily need him just yet. Wait til you start exploring.
5. The NCR arent necessarily the good guys, or the bad guys. As I said above, get to Freeside/New Vegas, and start researching the different factions you can ally yourself with in the main quests. All four factions you can side with are: New California Republic, which is basically an imitation of old America. They are a democracy, with a Prez and blah blah. Caesars Legion: A bunch of slavers basically. Based off the Roman Empire. Mr. House: Overlord of New Vegas pretty much. Yes Man: Basically this is the independant route. You become Overlord almighty of Vegas at the end... Well, sort of. Its kinda like the House route. Research all the factions thoroughly, and pick which you like best. But DO try all of them on different playthroughs

6. No need to beware of them unless you side with NCR or start attacking them. Their neutral to you in most places you see them unless you piss em off.
7. Casinos and scavenging is much easier, quicker, and less dangerous than this method

8. Pretty much. Its like a tactical game.. And every decision you make comes with a price, one way or the other. Make sure you know what your getting yourself into.
9. Nope. Well, at low levels, yes. At higher levels, Deathclaws are fun

. And you dont need an Anti Material rifle to kill em. I used a Cowboy Repeater at Lv. 30 and didnt do too bad. Just dont get too close... Gauss Rifles are pretty effective too. Gauss Rifles, Anti Material Rifles, some shotguns (I think), snipers are effective if you stay away from em, etc etc.
10. Agree wholeheartedly. There is no k/d on here, no need to be careful with what your doing. Sometimes its fun to make a character and just blow everyone up from afar. Or shoot em all up. Just pay attention

Sorry if it looked like I troll you bro XD. Just was giving my two cents