I was just going through may save file (to delete some older files) and I accidental managed to delete my latest save file. Is their anyway to get it back?
I was just going through may save file (to delete some older files) and I accidental managed to delete my latest save file. Is their anyway to get it back?
Not that I'm aware of.
Thy going tp you trash bin, as most of deleted items are stored there if you haven't cleaned it
Then its gone, start over. I feel you man becouse it happened to me i had to restart everything, but you know where most of the stuff is so it should be easier to finish the game
That svcks, ok then, thanks for helping out
Thanks, can you guide me through how to search for just Fallout 4 files instead of all of the hard drive files
I think if you deleted the file while playing Fallout 4, it's gone. If you deleted it from the folder in your documents it would be salvageable from your recycle bin or with recovery software.
I can't seem to find the file, so I will start over. Thanks for all your help Delardra in particular, as well as everyone else
Try using Recuva. It searches your hard drive for "deleted" files. When a file is "deleted" it is not automatics erased from the hard drive. Instead Windows simply changes the locations (sectors) where the data has been written to on the hard drive to be "available", meaning if new data needs to be written to the hard drive, then Windows may overwrite the sectors where your saved game is located. If none of the saved game sectors have been overwritten with new data, then it is possible to recover your saved game. Give it a try, it's free.
This. I can confirm that files delete via the FO4 menus do NOT get to the recycle bin (but are GONE).
There are certainly PC utilities out there to try and recover deleted files, but that's a PC conversation, not a Fallout 4 one.