» Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:52 pm
Oh, boy. A couple things we would need:
?Smashable chairs. On heads and backs.
?Momentum. You stagger around in a spin to smash the smashable chairs (on heads and backs), then fall over after successfully completing the attack.
?Messed up aim: throw a punch, hit the wrong guy. This is how barfights are born.
?Lightweights. Naturally, Argonians could take the most--they resist poison. Then Nords, 'cause they're awesome. On the other side of the spectrum, you have your Altmer and Imperials passing out after a single pint.
?Penalties. Like the barkeep cutting you off next time, and paying for the smashable chairs you broke (on heads and backs).
This would be one of the best features ever. Can you imagine drunken thu'um? fuuuth, ro DAhahaha!