Getting Errors from the Create Distant Land Wizard

Post » Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:27 am

Hello everyone, I'm an old player who played Morrowind unmodded back in the day and loved every minute. I then moved on to Oblivion and modded it like crazy due to all the bland stuff Bethseda put in and all the good stuff from Morrowidn they removed. I've played around with Skyrim but now I've decided to come back to Morrowind and see the modded experience for myself. Anyway that's the pramble out of the way.

I started by installing MGSOv3.0 and Wrye Mash, did a quick start up and ran around Seyda Neen and boy did it look beautiful! Flushed with that success I preceded to install the rest of the mods I wanted using BAIN from Wrye Bash, being very familiar with it from Oblivion and Skyrim, although it does sort of resemble a rather underfed malnourished sibling in comparison to it's brothers. Here is my resulting load order from mlox:

_001_ Morrowind.esm
_002_ Tribunal.esm
_003_ Bloodmoon.esm
_004_ GDR_MasterFile.esm
_005_ MCA.esm
_006_ Morrowind Patch 1.6.5 Beta (BTB Edit).esm
_007_ Poorly Placed Object Fix 1.2.esm
_008_ Texture Fix 2.0.esm
_009_ TR_Data.esm
_010_ TR_Mainland.esm
_011_ Bloodmoon Landscape Overhaul 1.1.esm
_012_ abotWaterLife.esm
_013_ LGNPC_NoLore_v0_83.esp
_014_ Creatures.esp
_015_ ExcellentMagicSounds.esp
_016_ Female Armor - Complete.esp
_017_ GCDLean204HARD.esp
_018_ GCDBetterBalancedBirthsigns.esp
_019_ GCDOver60LevelSpeedup.esp
_020_ GCDRestorePotionsFix.esp
_021_ Golden Gold.esp
_022_ Windows Glow.esp
_023_ Lgnpc_SN.esp
_024_ Windows Glow - Tribunal Eng.esp
_025_ Windows Glow - Bloodmoon Eng.esp
_026_ Windows Glow - Raven Rock Eng.esp
_027_ abotWindowsGlow.esp
_028_ almalexia armor.esp
_029_ Animated Morrowind.esp
_030_ AtmosphericSoundEffects-3.0-Tribunal.esp
_031_ Barabus' fireplaces 2.esp
_032_ Better Bodies.esp
_033_ abotWaterLifeTRaddon.esp
_034_ Better Clothes_v1.1.esp
_035_ Better Skulls.ESP
_036_ Better Weapons and Armors.esp
_037_ BetterClothesForTB.esp
_038_ Better_Sounds.esp
_039_ Bloated Caves.esp
_040_ bones.esp
_041_ Book Jackets - Bloodmoon.esp
_042_ Book Jackets - Morrowind.esp
_043_ Book Jackets - Tribunal.esp
_044_ Clean MCFC_1.0.esp
_045_ constance1_0.esp
_046_ correctUV Ore Replacer 1.0.esp
_047_ Graphic Herbalism.esp
_048_ guarskin_drum_replacer.esp
_049_ imperial chain fix.esp
_050_ JEB_muffin_fix.esp
_051_ Key Replacer Trib & BM.esp
_052_ Less_Generic_Bloodmoon.esp
_053_ LeftGloves_Addon_v2.esp
_054_ LGNPC_GnaarMok_v1_20.esp
_055_ LGNPC_AldVelothi_v1_20.esp
_056_ LGNPC_MaarGan_v1_20.esp
_057_ LGNPC_HlaOad_v1_32.esp
_058_ LGNPC_Aldruhn_v1_20.esp
_059_ LGNPC_Aldruhn_v1_22_suppl.esp
_060_ LGNPC_Pelagiad_v1_31.esp
_061_ Westly's Master Headpack X.esp
_062_ LGNPC_TelMora_v1_30.esp
_063_ LGNPC_Khuul_v2_21.esp
_064_ Vality's Bitter Coast Addon.esp
_065_ Golden Gold Patch v1.0.esp
_066_ LGNPC_VivecFQ_v2_20.esp
_067_ Less_Generic_Nerevarine.esp
_068_ LGNPC_TelUvirith_v1_20.esp
_069_ LGNPC_IndarysManor_v1_51.esp
_070_ LGNPC_VivecRedoran_v1_61.esp
_071_ abotWhereAreAllBirdsGoing.esp
_072_ abotGondoliers.esp
_073_ Less_Generic_Tribunal.esp
_074_ MCA - TR Addon.ESP
_075_ MA_snowprincetomb_v3.esp
_076_ abotSiltStridersTR.esp
_077_ More Better Clothes.ESP
_078_ MW Containers Animated.esp
_079_ Neo's Unique Creatures.esp
_080_ New Bodies - Mature.esp
_081_ New Voices.esp
_082_ NewBlood_MwTbBm1.1.esp
_083_ OTR_Coast_Variety.esp
_084_ Particle Arrow Replacer.esp
_085_ PSsorticon.esp
_086_ Psy_UniqueDremora_T.esp
_087_ Psy_VGR_Armour.esp
_088_ Shieldfx.esp
_089_ SirLuthor-Tools.esp
_090_ Sleepers, Awake!.esp
_091_ The Neverhalls.esp
_092_ True_Lights_And_Darkness_1.0-NoDaylight.esp
_093_ UniqueFinery.esp
_094_ Vality's Balmora Addon.esp
_095_ Vurt's Grazelands Trees.esp
_096_ vn_goldweight.esp
_097_ abotBoatsTR.esp
_098_ Vurt's Ashlands Overhaul.esp
_099_ abotRiverStridersTR.esp
_100_ WA_Signy_Signposts(!).ESP
_101_ UF_HortRobeF001.esp
_102_ Unique Banners and Signs.esp
_103_ Unique Jewelry and Accessories.esp
_104_ sm_ForgottenHalls.esp
_105_ TR + OTR Compatibility Patch 1.0.ESP
_106_ Sotha Sil Expanded.ESP
_107_ Statue Replacer - Normal.esp
_108_ abotTRWaterSound.esp
_109_ STA_guides_replacer.esp
_110_ DN-GDRv1.esp
_111_ LGNPC_PaxRedoran_v1_20.esp
_112_ Morrowind Rebirth 2.03 - Balmora Underworld - Addon.ESP
_113_ Morrowind Rebirth 2.03 - Racial Diversity - Addon.ESP
_114_ Morrowind Rebirth 2.03.ESP
_115_ Piratelords Trade Enhancements.esp
_116_ PTE - BC Patch.esp
_117_ Mashed Lists.esp
I used TESTool to clean the plugins, although when I started the game a few complained about missing references (namely Tamrial Rebuilt, any file associated with it, LGNPC Pax Redoran, DN-GDR, Morrowind Rebirth and Vurts Trees) so in all those cases I replaced them with the original files and they no longer complain on start up.

I have made use of mlox and have responded to every suggestion it has made except for this one:

!!!'MCA - TR Addon.ESP' Requires:
&--#62; [ALL
&--#62; 'TR_Data.esm',
&--#62; 'MISSING(TR_Map1.esm)',
&--#62; 'MISSING(TR_Map2.esm)',
&--#62; [ANY
&--#62; '[DESC /Adds 1000 types of NPCs to over 400/ MCA.ESM]',
&--#62; '[DESC /Adds 1100 types of NPCs to over 550/ MCA.esm]']]
| "[MCA - TR Addon.ESP] adds MCA NPCs and creatures to Tamriel Rebuilt Maps 1 and 2. Also adds some of the new TR items to the MCA leveled lists. Requires Tamriel Rebuilt Maps 1 and 2, obviously."
| (Ref: MCA - Readme.txt)
| [Note that you may see this message if you have an older version of one
| of the pre-requisites. In that case, it is suggested that you upgrade
| to the newer version].
[Plugins already in sorted order. No sorting needed!]
current saved to: current_loadorder.out
mlox sorted saved to: mlox_new_loadorder.out

The MCA - TR Addon.ESP that I actually have is in fact one that is compatible with the Sacred East release of Tamriel Rebuilt that I downloaded from so I will just have to ignore that message, it's now the only one that mlox gives me.

I then tried to make a Merged Objects Patch, but ran into exactly the same problems as poor Zarkon did on his thread so I gave up trying that.

Now I come to the part I need help with. I'm trying to run the Create Distant Land Wizard from MGE-XE but at the end of it I get 5 errors and when I look in my log I see this:


Cannot load texture
Cannot load texture
Cannot load texture
Cannot load texture
Cannot load texture
Cannot load texture data files\textures\tx_dwrv_wall14.tga
Cannot load texture data files\textures\tx_dwrv_wall13.tga
Cannot load texture data files\textures\tx_metal_iron_rusty.tga
Cannot load texture data files\textures\tx_dwrv_trim03.tga
Cannot load texture data files\textures\tx_dwrv_rustpipe10.tga
Cannot load texture data files\textures\tx_dwrv_rustpipe00.tga
Cannot load texture data files\textures\tx_dwrv_obsrv12.tga
Cannot load texture data files\textures\tx_dwrv_obsrv11.tga
Cannot load texture data files\textures\tx_dwrv_wall14.tga
Cannot load texture data files\textures\tx_dwrv_wall13.tga
Cannot load texture data files\textures\tx_metal_iron_rusty.tga
Cannot load texture data files\textures\tx_dwrv_trim03.tga
Cannot load texture data files\textures\tx_dwrv_rustpipe10.tga
Cannot load texture data files\textures\tx_dwrv_rustpipe00.tga
Cannot load texture data files\textures\tx_dwrv_obsrv12.tga
Cannot load texture data files\textures\tx_dwrv_obsrv11.tga
Cannot load texture data files\textures\tx_dwrv_wall14.tga
Cannot load texture data files\textures\tx_dwrv_wall13.tga
Cannot load texture data files\textures\tx_metal_iron_rusty.tga
Cannot load texture data files\textures\tx_dwrv_trim03.tga
Cannot load texture data files\textures\tx_dwrv_rustpipe10.tga
Cannot load texture data files\textures\tx_dwrv_rustpipe00.tga
Cannot load texture data files\textures\tx_dwrv_obsrv12.tga
Cannot load texture data files\textures\tx_dwrv_obsrv11.tga
Cannot load texture data files\textures/tx_dwrv_trim03.tga
Cannot load texture data files\textures/tx_dwrv_rustpipe10.tga
Cannot load texture data files\textures/tx_dwrv_rustpipe00.tga

I have confirmed that the first 5 are indeed missing textures from my texture folder. I have to admit I'm at a loss as to which mod(s) they are supposed to be from. The rest do exist but as .dds files rather than .tga ones. I have to say now that when MGSO was first installed the Distant Land Wizard threw no errors on that occasion so I know that that is fine. I also used to get the "chargen boat" errors that Zarkon used to get, but after making the changes as suggested by abot to the Exceptions file those went away.

On a side note as I was trying out the game for the first time with just MGSO installed I tried to enter Arille's Tavern and it threw an error. It turned out that the MGSO was missing the file from it's version of Barbarus's Fireplaces. I had to download the and extract that texture to Data Files/Textures before I could enter Arille's without that error popping up.

Hope some of you experts can help me with this problem.

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Kit Marsden
Posts: 3467
Joined: Thu Jul 19, 2007 2:19 pm

Post » Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:42 pm

Problem may be caused "by bjam_ayleiddoor_ex.nif" from The Neverhalls.
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Natalie Harvey
Posts: 3433
Joined: Fri Aug 18, 2006 12:15 pm

Post » Wed Jan 23, 2013 5:43 am

Well if that is the case how do I go about fixing that?
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Hannah Barnard
Posts: 3421
Joined: Fri Feb 09, 2007 9:42 am

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