» Mon Nov 15, 2010 1:38 am
That depends on you, I usually play Operation Anchourage first when I'm around level 8 or so, once completed you can choose from a lot of things in the armoury you unlock, like a near invinicble power armour, there's also a good amount of ammo.
The choice is yours though, Point Lookout is good, but it's best done around level 19/20. Mothership Zeta has some good weapons to get and a good amount of loot, The Pitt doesn't offer a lot, but it does throw in a moral choice. Broken Steel fairly begins when you complete the main story, while before that it bumps your level cap from 20 to 30 and throws in two new opponents that appear at later levels - albino rad scorpions which are tough and fast and feral ghoul reavers who are really tough and really fast.