Oooops! I forgot all about my thread...I was off modding Fallout: New Vegas lol. let me try to address everyone here:
@Game: I do have Minecraft, I think she might get bored because there is no story driving the gameplay, but I'll definitely show it to her!
@1samil: Thanks a bunch! It's been a rocky road but we're going strong now...excited for the wedding!
@Holy: Portal is a great suggestion! I'm gunna make a special note of that one, because portal 2 will be out before long and that'll be a release we can both look forward to!
@Everyone: Haha yes I did actually use some advice from here, regarding a different girl (And how I should just forget her) from last year...which I did, and then we started a relationship, so this one can totally go in the W column for BSGF!!
@Holy & Sash: I hate halo...not the game itself, more like the maybe that one isn't so good. Assassin's Creed would be fun for me, but I'm not sure if she'd like it. I just talked to her about gaming and she suggested Mario, Duck Hunt, and Mrs. Pacman

. I told her I don't have a nintendo...she asked if that was an essential part O.o....
@ Cec: Thanks for the extra recommendation for Recettear....that game looked interesting to me, so I'm sure we'll be trying it out sometime

@Walex: I've never played either of the first games very much, so I don't know a lot about them. Are they good for new players? Ones that perhaps don't know the keyboard layout well? The Sims is probably going to get some playtime, at least for her to try it out, because I've never met a girl who doesn't like those games

Sacred 2 is an interesting suggestion. Co-op would be perfect, know any other co-op rpgs?