So some of you may remember me from a thread....oh about a year ago now I guess, about a girl that I asked out to breakfast and got shot down. Well, to make a long story short, I didn't give up, and now she's my fiance! We're getting married on Friday, May 13th. But this thread isn't about that, let me elaborate.
The girl I'm going to marry is very much a non-gamer. She's actually only played 2 games in her life. The first being Wii Sports, the second being Red Dead Redemption, that I had her play to show her the power of the 360, she has been to Mexico on mission trips, so I let her ride a donkey around the terrain, she loved it. Right up until someone rode up and started shooting her (We were online). She panicked, I tried to show her the buttons to fight back but she died pretty quickly...that was the end of that play session lol.
Now that we know we're getting married, and she knows that I'm a serious gamer, she wants to game with me. We're looking for a second computer for her to play online games with me, and I have a 360 with a few games, But right now I'm wondering what would be good games to get her going? She's very excited to play games, I think she's looking forward to getting out and experiencing some things that I enjoy. (She was very sheltered growing up, but that's another story).
So what do you guys think? What should I get her playing first that will help her develop her gaming skills?
Here are some of my ideas, And some great suggestions from you guys:
Final Fantasy 7
Sims 2
The Sims 3
Viva Pinata
Final Fantasy 10, 12
World of Warcraft
Harvest Moon: BTN (Emulated)
Little Big Planet (1 or 2)
Fable 1-3
Various Mario Games
Planescape: Torment
Deus Ex
Battle for Wesnoth
Dear Esther
Alien Swarm
Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale
Sins of a Solar Empire or X3:Reunion
I'm leaning towards FF10, because I think that it has a great story, she loves books and whatnot, so I think that will appeal to her. Also it's not an "Easy" game, so I can help her through (It will be my...4th play through) and it will introduce her to many JRPG mechanics that carry over to a lot more games. She also wants to play wow with me, because it's something we can do together, leveling and whatnot.
EDIT: I should add that she won't play like Fallout 3 or NV, or least not yet. She doesn't like swearing or alot of excessive gore in any type of media...Maybe she'll play them someday, but I'm trying to ease her in.
EDIT EDIT: For now games that are on these consoles: PC, 360, Ps2, would be best, I can buy a new system, but I'd rather find something she likes first