Theyre not and never were core mechanics, nor even core game features. And the only reason Med armour was as popular as it was in Morrowind was because it was OP and had the most OP unique items. Spears you might have a point with, but from what Ive seen theres far people who would rather have more interaction with NPCs than there are who would want spears.
Time well spent, IMO.
Real girls are always nagging, and you always gotta please them, and when you do something slightly stupid you'll hear about it for the rest of your life.
Now "visual girls" only have a few lines recorded and at the end of the day you can turn off the game and you dont have to sleep next to it.
...Waits for GF to read this

Yeh, whenever I pointed my TV remote at my ex-gf and tried to hit the Mute or Power button all it did was make her mad. And when I went to the hardware store and told them I needed a new remote because my old one was broken, she left me. Like wtf? Crazy women logic, I can never understand them.