Well, that was quite a... surprising announcement by Bethesda.
Is there a history within the lore of, for example, Argonians and Khajit marrying non beast races?
If racism or xenophobia is some prominent story element within the game, how will some of those cranky old Nord NPCs react to a Nord marrying a Dunmer, or an Argonian, for example?
http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Last_Scabbard_of_Akrash Lots of xenophobia, race-hate etc. though

As I said in the other thread. I hope that they are specific NPC's we can romance with some personality developed for them rather than a Fabel-esque, "you look quite attractive, let's virtually shack up." without any sort of personality or longevity to them.
I really, really hope that marriage is the conclusion (or significant highlight) of properly fleshed out romance side quests. Given the way it was bracketed with generic friendship, though... I really fear they've made it a "you killed the pigs that were eating my potatoes, given me a nice sword an told me I have a great personality - let's get married!" sort of deal

LOL that is awesome! Husband: make me my dinner! Wife: No! Husband then proceeds to hit wife.... Gaurd runs in, Stop criminal scum! Child whelfare then comes and takes your kids away...... hahaha ohh the fun this game will be.....
Husband: Make me my dinner!
Wife: No! Get your own! I've had a really hard day, and...
Husband hits wife.
Wife Dragon Shouts husband through a wall.
Guards run up, look at wreckage, look at wife through hole in wall... walk away quickly.
Anyway, marriage = crap for a game. I stand by my opinion.
I wouldn't put it that strongly, it's obviously very popular with a lot of people and gives a nice extra option for those who want it. But unless it's connected with some reasonable amount of questing, and NPCs with well written and detailed characters... then I suspect I'll be giving it a miss.