As far as I know, no group in Tamriel is against homosixuality. There have been few instances of it occurring in-game, but I've never heard anyone say anything bad about it. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I'd also like to add to this discussion: what do you guys think the Nordic marriage ceremony would be like? Certainly not tuxedos and white dresses.
well first, the nord man must offer his prize weapon to his mistress. if she accepts it, then the marriage is set.
the man arrives to the chapel in his preferred armour. the woman arrives shortly after with her dad. she is wearing a gown made of the finest hide of her choice. the say their vows, recite an ancient nordic chant, and then each recieve a band of partnership(fortify personality 50% :thumbsup: ). they then both take hold of a dagger, and thrust it down onto a wolf(can be substituted for other creature if agreed by both of them). they then take the blood, pour it into the local wine of their choice, and drink it.
You dont even want to know the average honeymoon.