I'm talking about the absence of a humble shack/cabin for beginners and the necessity to get involved into petty quests to get it.
First, unlike Oblivion, there's no option to buy a small abode for beginners. While getting enough money to buy a fully fledged house is not a problem, it may be a problem to get it early enough to avoid wandering around with the inventory almost full. So, bar starting the MQ, the other option is to visit the major big town and get involved into petty quests, sometimes very specific ones. (Riften being the worst in this regard). Paying up front is not an option because all the Jarls and their stewards always need some idiot for their mundane tasks. Never mind that I carry enough gold to buy and equip a full army...
Joining a faction is not an option either. With the sole exception of the mage guild, you're not given a safe harbor (and safe containers, above all!) by anyone else.
How difficult it was to implement at least ONE house that could be purchased right from the beginning with no prerequisites ?