Getting into Skyrim

Post » Tue May 27, 2014 9:27 am

I love RPGs and ARPGs and I've been putting a lot of time into D3 since the expansion. I've had a lot of fun but I've also get very bored with the grinding for gear. I realize that's the part of the game and I'm ok with that but when you do it for countless hours you want to do something that's a little bit different. So I've installed Skyrim on my PC along with DLCs that come with it.

I have some questions about the game and other things. First, I really need a new PC to run it at max setting but I also don't have a lot of cash for it ($500 or so). If anyone can direct me to a decent PC for that I appreciate it! Second, I see a lot of people use mods for the game but which ones do most people consider absolutely mandatory to increase the enjoyment of the game? Third, I see a lot of people who exploit smithing/enchanting to make very OP gear and pretty much destroy dragons with a few hits. Is there a way of playing that doesn't exploit this? Maybe restrict to one or just use the weapons and armor you find?

I want to try out many builds. Like a anti-paladin/death knight that carries mace of molag bal, an assassin, ranger, mage, necromancer. The list goes on and on!

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Miss K
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Post » Tue May 27, 2014 5:01 pm

I don't play on a PC, but if you want to see which mods people like the most,

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Mandi Norton
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Post » Tue May 27, 2014 9:32 am

I'm not sure what you will be able to do with a $500 budget for a gaming PC, but you probably aren't going to be able to use most of the popular ENB's and texture mods without killing your framerate.

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Post » Tue May 27, 2014 6:49 am

You can make moderately powered armor and weapons if you want. The only way to get ridiculously overpowered items is to intentionally set out to make them that way. I will max out my smithing skill, but I don't make super uber gear; taking a draugr down in a couple of hits from sneak with my dragonbone bow as opposed to one-shotting dragons, for example.

You might be surprised.

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