Don't know what exactly has changed since last beta but I find myself unable to progress past level 7. Basically because of getting killed an awful lot more.
I am sticking to quests of my level of thereabouts, although with the various ones that are buggy that is precious few now. And I keep getting slaughtered by mobs of scamps - last time round when you part killed a mob they stayed dead, now when you respawn they are all back again and simply zap you again.
I'm a more than prepared to admit this may be some failing in my build or play style or just a deep personal & spiritual flaw in me (just to save the haters some typing time) - but I am a reasonable player of most games and I also accept player death does happen for all sorts of reasons but it seems like they have ramped up the difficulty too far for me at least which is seriously putting me off. I don't mind dying but I do mind dying over and over again on the same spot regardless of my approach.
In other news for any devs that might be around...
I think it is a shame to have removed the starting progression, it gave a sense of background and immersion that is lost by being tossed straight into the save the king/queen missions.
Still liking crafting.
More quests/less bugged quests would be good so level progressions is not so dependent on the big quests.
Mobs less close together would be nice - many is the time I have sneaked past one mob, triggered a second and while disposing of them have been killed by the mob I just sneaked past who spotted me as soon as I got auto-stood.
Been playing on the EU server and it seems less... something... than the US one last week.
Overall still enjoying the game and may go start in a different alliance to see if the constant deaths are a factor of this particular alliances areas.