An important rule in Daggerfall is to save often, and even more often.
This allow you to not be too frustrated if you "fall in the void" (happens even with patched version) or at low level when you can die from nearly anything if you are unlucky or make the mistake of overestimating your character (fighting hand-to-hand with a bear/skeleton at with a level 1 character that is not particularly good at hand-to-hand by example

Another rule when you are very low level of character is to sleep often to get healed from each fights. But carefull when sleeping, you can wake up attacked by a monster, and at low level it is a catastrophe, so save before sleeping

In the 1st dungeon, your goal is to escape from it before anything else, exploring Privateer Hold or trying to kill anything on sight can lead your beginning character into his death. When you see an enemy in a room, do not feel you are forced to kill it, at level 1 actually running to the exit avoiding the enemy can give you better survival chances.
Diseases can be deadly for low level characters, as there are then chance you will not reach any temple in time for a heal. Avoid being hit at all cost, hit and move back to avoid the monster retaliating (as those pesky rats can carry diseases).
Privateer Hold Imp

, unless you have a weapon of specific material to be able to hit an Imp or feel you level 1 character has enough health, avoid each Imp at all cost, their "hello" spell they always launch as soon as they see you can kill a level 1 character in 1 hit if the resist speel roll fail.
In the room that contains the exit of this first dungeon , there is an Imp. So save before entering this room, as if unlucky its speel will kill you when you enter the room.