I agree with you! For those of us who have been playing a while (in some cases, a long while) we sometimes tailor our characters' growth very closely. I know that with Maia I very, very carefully picked majors that would promote a certain type of play style and stat growth. It wouldn't make sense to me if my lawful good silver knight wasn't strong enough to smite her enemies, nor would it makes sense if she wasn't endurable enough to withstand waves of enemy attackers. That's part of her persona.
All I was really trying to say to d00ch, who is a brand-new player, is not to let such things overwhelm him during his first hours playing the game. When first playing it's my advice to "just play" and see what's what. So long as he keeps a save at the sewer exit he can go back later, whenever he wants, and try out different character builds and styles.
EDIT: Sometimes I write too strongly. When I wrote "number-crunching board-addict" I really meant ""number-crunching from day 1, moment 1." I can understand why you or anyone else might see that as an insulting choice of words. It was not intended that way, however! I really just want dOOch to give himself a chance to play and enjoy without worrying about numbers at first, even though you and I and many others learn to enjoy the system (or least, learn to use the system to get the sort of character we want)!
That's okay. Sometimes intended meanings don't come across well, even in face to face interactions.
I want to stress that some people wish to play any game from the very start with this type of philosophy. d00ch may be such a person, and in such a case, will need to learn some of the detailed mechanics and plan accordingly in order to enjoy the game. Some people, such as myself, cannot simply play a game, but rather need to anolyze it in order to enjoy it. Simply playing a game, or watching a film, or reading a book, etc is a waste of time for me, and some other people.
Therefore, when I sit down to play a game for the first time, I must be able to anolyze the rules, mechanics, etc from references such as manuals, guides (without spoilers, of course), and other sources. I must be willing to invest a good deal of time to understand and anolyze the mechanics as they pertain to my play style and preferences. A similar situation happens with watching film, reading books, listening to music, etc. I am not conceited enough to think that I am unique in experiencing media this way, and I have met some other people with similar approaches in the past.
I just wanted to be sure that a new player understood that having such an approach was perfectly fine even if it doesn't seem enjoyable to some other players.