Getting Oblivion, Newcomer

Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:23 pm

Hello, well i'm thinking of getting oblivion,

I'm completely new to TES and i saw Skyrim and immedietly pre ordered it, i've played fallout soo..

Is there anything i need to know before i play? is there any info?

Opinions are welcome, thanks!
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:48 am

You may want to restart your first few characters once you find you could have chosen better major skills, which are the only skills that help you level up. To shave about one hour off having to restart your character, save just before you leave the sewers. If you can't figure out where that is, just save often while you're in the sewers at the very beginning of the game. The exit to the "real world" is very similar to when you exit the vault in FO3. Have fun!
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:16 pm

Ok, but i've heard stuff about... races or something?
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Maya Maya
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:59 pm

If you want to know something about Oblivion, then I'd suggest hopping over to the Oblivion section of the forums, as they'd welcome those sorts of questions. If you're asking about the story between the games, just know that the two are quite separate. There's a 200 year separation between both games, so it's not your average sequel. Playing Oblivion ought to be a nice interaction into the Elder Scrolls series, so it was a good choice to pick that up in anticipation of Skyrim.
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 1:10 am

No not really. Just play it for what it is, and enjoy it. The vanilla version, while not perfect, is a great game. The biggest issue, in my opinion, is the fact that the game levels with your character, almost to the point that its starts to get ridiculous and unrealistic. I'd recommend looking up the reviews on IGN and Gamespot. Their pretty fair, and they seemed to really love the game themselves.

Also, if you've got the PC version, go to the FCOM website, and install all the required mods there (and there are a lot of recommended mods too that you can install), then go get Better Oblivion Cities mod, and Quarl's Texture Pack. If you're computer doesn't die after that, then play the game and have a ball.

Warning: What I'm recommending here is quite a gargantuan task for someone who's never played Oblivion before. It will likely take you all day to figure out how to get everything installed and up and running properly. But I promise you that once you get all of these mods working right, it will have been worth it, and will SURELY keep you playing until Skyrim.

But you can still play vanilla Oblivion and have a good time.

If not, just play Minecraft until then, lol.

Oh, and for my fellow Minecraft fans: 1.8 update FTW!
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jenny goodwin
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:24 am

yeah i just dont want to go to oblivion forum because of spoilers
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Paula Ramos
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 6:44 am

yeah i just dont want to go to oblivion forum because of spoilers

Stay in the Oblivion General section; there shouldn't be any spoilers there. Actually, I'll move this for you.

As for your question, yes. There are different races; all have different abilities to start. You can pretty much build your character the way you want, mage, fighter, thief, and any combination.
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Sweet Blighty
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:18 am

yeah i just dont want to go to oblivion forum because of spoilers

pointless spam removed
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Milagros Osorio
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:47 am

Lol... what does the blue icon next to it mean? I thought that meant it was moved, but it is still in the skyrim forum....
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Tom Flanagan
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:09 am

Lol... what does the blue icon next to it mean? I thought that meant it was moved, but it is still in the skyrim forum....

Forumception, my friend. You're currently in the OB general forum.

Edit: It just links you to this different forum from there... figured I would actually answer.
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Vicky Keeler
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:22 am

Man I would love to experience that game for the first time again.There is too much going on with that game to start giving random advice.I'm afraid it would be a little overwhelming.Just make a character and mess around until you get an idea which way you like to fight enemies and stuff.Then you can make a specialized character for those skills.

I am sure you will end up with tons of questions.These forums are always good for answers.
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:54 am

My advice is this: It's okay to not be "perfect."

What I mean is: don't let fear of making "bad" or "wrong" choices in your character or skills or gear or whatever get in the way of having fun. In fact, many vets with this game intentionally make "bad" decisions with regards their character's build or gear or what-have-you to increase their challenge and enjoyment. The only reason to be a number-crunching board-addict (when it comes to character creation and growth) is to satisfy an unnecessary need for numeric perfection. You can do very well in this game without being "perfect" and you are much more likely to have fun playing by the seat of your pants as well.

Have fun!
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 6:47 am

My advice is this: It's okay to not be "perfect."

What I mean is: don't let fear of making "bad" or "wrong" choices in your character or skills or gear or whatever get in the way of having fun. In fact, many vets with this game intentionally make "bad" decisions with regards their character's build or gear or what-have-you to increase their challenge and enjoyment. The only reason to be a number-crunching board-addict (when it comes to character creation and growth) is to satisfy an unnecessary need for numeric perfection. You can do very well in this game without being "perfect" and you are much more likely to have fun playing by the seat of your pants as well.

Have fun!

Ummm... I have to offer a correction to these statements. For some of us, optimizing our characters is actually role playing, so being a "number-crunching board-addict" is actually us role playing our characters. Similarly, playing "by the seat of your pants" makes no sense to those of us who wish to role play by optimizing our characters. Playing in such a way makes no sense, especially in a life or death situation, at least to those of us who role play through optimizing our characters' chances for survival.

In other words, optimizing characters is not related to "an unnecessary need for numeric perfection" but rather is due to a need to actually role play in a role playing game.

For those who wish to merely "play a game" rather than role play, optimization may not be wanted or needed.
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Joe Alvarado
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:25 am

Ummm... I have to offer a correction to these statements. For some of us, optimizing our characters is actually role playing, so being a "number-crunching board-addict" is actually us role playing our characters. Similarly, playing "by the seat of your pants" makes no sense to those of us who wish to role play by optimizing our characters. Playing in such a way makes no sense, especially in a life or death situation, at least to those of us who role play through optimizing our characters' chances for survival.

In other words, optimizing characters is not related to "an unnecessary need for numeric perfection" but rather is due to a need to actually role play in a role playing game.

For those who wish to merely "play a game" rather than role play, optimization may not be wanted or needed.

I agree with you! For those of us who have been playing a while (in some cases, a long while) we sometimes tailor our characters' growth very closely. I know that with Maia I very, very carefully picked majors that would promote a certain type of play style and stat growth. It wouldn't make sense to me if my lawful good silver knight wasn't strong enough to smite her enemies, nor would it makes sense if she wasn't endurable enough to withstand waves of enemy attackers. That's part of her persona.

All I was really trying to say to d00ch, who is a brand-new player, is not to let such things overwhelm him during his first hours playing the game. When first playing it's my advice to "just play" and see what's what. So long as he keeps a save at the sewer exit he can go back later, whenever he wants, and try out different character builds and styles.

EDIT: Sometimes I write too strongly. When I wrote "number-crunching board-addict" I really meant ""number-crunching from day 1, moment 1." I can understand why you or anyone else might see that as an insulting choice of words. It was not intended that way, however! I really just want dOOch to give himself a chance to play and enjoy without worrying about numbers at first, even though you and I and many others learn to enjoy the system (or least, learn to use the system to get the sort of character we want)!
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Crystal Clear
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:15 am

No not really. Just play it for what it is, and enjoy it.

My one and only answer to newcomers to any game. Just play it. Don′t research it in any way. I′ve found out that the most interesting aspect of a game is to figure out how it works :)

But I can tell you this much, you′re in for a treat ;)
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Alyesha Neufeld
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 7:48 am

Oblivion is a very fun game, I was playing it this morning. My advice just play the game and then after you get to a certain point, try to figure out ok why isn't this skill working as effectively as the other ones. In later playthroughs you can figure out ok what skills should I set as majors in conjuction to my playstyle.
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Stefanny Cardona
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:23 am

I agree with you! For those of us who have been playing a while (in some cases, a long while) we sometimes tailor our characters' growth very closely. I know that with Maia I very, very carefully picked majors that would promote a certain type of play style and stat growth. It wouldn't make sense to me if my lawful good silver knight wasn't strong enough to smite her enemies, nor would it makes sense if she wasn't endurable enough to withstand waves of enemy attackers. That's part of her persona.

All I was really trying to say to d00ch, who is a brand-new player, is not to let such things overwhelm him during his first hours playing the game. When first playing it's my advice to "just play" and see what's what. So long as he keeps a save at the sewer exit he can go back later, whenever he wants, and try out different character builds and styles.

EDIT: Sometimes I write too strongly. When I wrote "number-crunching board-addict" I really meant ""number-crunching from day 1, moment 1." I can understand why you or anyone else might see that as an insulting choice of words. It was not intended that way, however! I really just want dOOch to give himself a chance to play and enjoy without worrying about numbers at first, even though you and I and many others learn to enjoy the system (or least, learn to use the system to get the sort of character we want)!

That's okay. Sometimes intended meanings don't come across well, even in face to face interactions.

I want to stress that some people wish to play any game from the very start with this type of philosophy. d00ch may be such a person, and in such a case, will need to learn some of the detailed mechanics and plan accordingly in order to enjoy the game. Some people, such as myself, cannot simply play a game, but rather need to anolyze it in order to enjoy it. Simply playing a game, or watching a film, or reading a book, etc is a waste of time for me, and some other people.

Therefore, when I sit down to play a game for the first time, I must be able to anolyze the rules, mechanics, etc from references such as manuals, guides (without spoilers, of course), and other sources. I must be willing to invest a good deal of time to understand and anolyze the mechanics as they pertain to my play style and preferences. A similar situation happens with watching film, reading books, listening to music, etc. I am not conceited enough to think that I am unique in experiencing media this way, and I have met some other people with similar approaches in the past.

I just wanted to be sure that a new player understood that having such an approach was perfectly fine even if it doesn't seem enjoyable to some other players. :)
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Luis Longoria
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:52 pm

Stay in the Oblivion General section; there shouldn't be any spoilers there. Actually, I'll move this for you.

Apparently some in Oblivion General have felt that too many spoilers have been posted there recently...
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Adam Kriner
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:13 pm

my suggestion, dont install any mods for your first play through, that'll give you a feel of what you like and what you hate and then you can look for stuff you specifically want to add or correct. other then that, just have fun.
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Nancy RIP
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:22 am

Come on Dooch, let us know you made it out of the sewers.
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Susan Elizabeth
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:48 pm

Hahhaa yes i purchased the game and i made it out of the sewers, as for now the game is great, no major problems.

My first time playing a TES and im liking it, this will definately keep me busy for skyrim
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Jessica Colville
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:55 am

Hello, well i'm thinking of getting oblivion,

I'm completely new to TES and i saw Skyrim and immedietly pre ordered it, i've played fallout soo..

Is there anything i need to know before i play? is there any info?

Opinions are welcome, thanks!

Just have fun and LIVE the game. Play how you want and choose the most appealing skills and race. But most importantly, have some fun. (and dont be afraid to turn the difficulty down till you get used to the game.) ;)
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Joey Avelar
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 8:19 am

That's okay. Sometimes intended meanings don't come across well, even in face to face interactions.

I want to stress that some people wish to play any game from the very start with this type of philosophy. d00ch may be such a person, and in such a case, will need to learn some of the detailed mechanics and plan accordingly in order to enjoy the game. Some people, such as myself, cannot simply play a game, but rather need to anolyze it in order to enjoy it. Simply playing a game, or watching a film, or reading a book, etc is a waste of time for me, and some other people.

Therefore, when I sit down to play a game for the first time, I must be able to anolyze the rules, mechanics, etc from references such as manuals, guides (without spoilers, of course), and other sources. I must be willing to invest a good deal of time to understand and anolyze the mechanics as they pertain to my play style and preferences. A similar situation happens with watching film, reading books, listening to music, etc. I am not conceited enough to think that I am unique in experiencing media this way, and I have met some other people with similar approaches in the past.

I just wanted to be sure that a new player understood that having such an approach was perfectly fine even if it doesn't seem enjoyable to some other players. :)

Point well taken. :)
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