I keep getting random xp while traveling alone. Anyone else getting this?
I keep getting random xp while traveling alone. Anyone else getting this?
It sometimes happend to me when i was close to a Settlement and the Settlers killed someone.
I have that happen, but what it usually means is that an enemy found a different way to get killed. For example, I was being pursued by a sentry bot, who then was attacked by a behemoth, and when the bot died I got the XP. You don't always see what happened though.
I get it quite frequently but I leave mines behind whenever I do one of those go here and clear out this enemy type missions that the minutemen seem to love assigning me to, so when the blighters respawn after a couple of days they get to play in my minefield
I was walking by a place the BOS were doing the usual hit on, you know, going "Yeah, let them be them", as is my want...Things start blowing up over there, and I'm getting the XP. Not a lot, but I was "heh".
BoS keep finding their way to where I am and start fights nearby. I get credit for those kills. not too shabby!
I've been getting "free" XP the last few times I visited Tenpines.
I get random XP near Good Neighbor. Doesn't make sense. My settlers kill enemies when I'm fixing the settlement but don't get XP from those kills unless I get shot.
You will get XP if your turrets at your settlement kill something even when you are not there.
I get free xp all the time just for walking the environment, have done for a long time. No explanation was given. Sometimes when I'm watching a fire fight between two rival factions, I seem to get xp just for watching.
I guess you're learning from their mistakes.
I've got unexplained xp from a fight between Children of Atom and the Gunners and I never interacted with the two in this particular case. I was sneaking passed the firefight on my way to 35 Court to confiscate a suit of PA.
I've never had xp just appear when factions are fighting, if you tag the loser you'll get xp. But not just for being near. Case, forget the name of the place. The building just south of Rocket that has the 4 Protectrons in it, had a DC spawn in the building near and watched the royal rumble 10' away. Once the DC was killed no xp. I think it's a hit and miss thing or just a bug...
was one of your provisoners around? i'm not 100% sure but ever since i gave them upgraded weapons and im around when they kill someone i gotten exp from it. think it applies to settlers too not sure. but from what i can tell i gotten exp randomly and i can hear shooting in the background from my provsioner fighting someone so im assuming thats what going on.