Getting Rid of the Emperor

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:41 pm

No, I don't mean the whole of the main quest, just that annoying intro video that shows when you start a new game.

Is there some way to disable this? I have my own starting point in the game, and rather than show the Emperor video Id rather just show a message of my own.

Are these things possible (I don't mind if I cant show my own message in its place, but I really want to get rid of that intro movie)


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Natalie J Webster
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:10 pm

An update for anyone else who might like to know about the intro video. As discussed, the way to remove the Emperor video is to rename/delete Videos\OblivionIntro.bik. This works nicely, although its not something that you can do directly from the Construction set.

However, creating another bik file to replace it is fairly easy using the free and pretty much anything that will create an image file (or a video if you want an animated intro).

Hope this helps someone else


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Lory Da Costa
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