Getting 1-shot-killed by some enemies: Bug, or intended?

Post » Tue May 22, 2012 4:14 pm

I've taken some big damage from archers but I have 380 health and legendary dragonscale armor so it usually takes 3 hits to kill me. If I sprint and fire breath them or two-hand power attack they are dead quickly. When I happen to run across a couple mages with shock I lose every time. One hits me with cold to slow me down and then they proceed to zap me to death before I get close.
If you enchant your necklace and ring with Resist Magic (and get your Enchanting to 100, it's not as hard as you'd think, just buy a crapload of petty soul gems, wherever you find them for sale)... your problem with mages will be over forever. Especially if you get the Magic Resist perks from Alteration, which also isn't hard to do.
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Chloe Mayo
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Post » Tue May 22, 2012 11:48 pm

Something is wrong here. It can't really be this way, can it? They must have given these bandit archers too much damage by accident? Like added another zero on the end, by accident?
I had the problem with an archer also, in the end I had to stealth kill him, there was just no way to get near him if he saw me, I remember I tried about 4 times to get at him with a sword, not only did he take me down each time but also my follower, and if I remember correctly, all he had was a damn hunting bow.
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Reven Lord
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Post » Tue May 22, 2012 4:24 pm

I agree that there are ways to buff your character even further to help protect yourself against this, however the issue still remains as to why certain Archer characters, who are not bosses, can deal so much damage sometimes. I think it may well be some sort of glitch, even if they are scoring criticals, especially as they often manage it with poor equipment.

Need an "arrows just burst into flames when they get near me" passive ability :) Or, for stealthly / light armour characters, have a perk that means double left or right tap does a dodge roll...

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Laura Mclean
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Post » Tue May 22, 2012 12:31 pm

If you enchant your necklace and ring with Resist Magic (and get your Enchanting to 100, it's not as hard as you'd think, just buy a crapload of petty soul gems, wherever you find them for sale)... your problem with mages will be over forever. Especially if you get the Magic Resist perks from Alteration, which also isn't hard to do.

Been moving in that direction after focusing on armor, block and two-hand. I have only a single perk in enchantment but my skill is quite high. I'm annoyed that I've found only 2 potions to increase enchantment strength and no wearable items in over 100 hours yet have enchantments for every other skill out the ying yang. I just learned the paralysis enchantment so I think that will work good in a bow with the stagger perk on mages. Assuming I don't die from shock therapy while aiming.
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Mark Churchman
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Post » Tue May 22, 2012 3:59 pm

I play on Apprentice. I think its silly that im the 'dragon born' and a bandit war chief can take me out with ease. I dont play ES series for gameplay challenge, i play for the exploration and 'slight' challenge. Seems they ramped up average difficulty in this game because many people complained of the previous games not being 'challenging' enough. These people should be playing something else, cause if youre looking to die and reload 5 times in an ES game it seems to break any immersion

no offense.. but if all you wanted to do is play the game that way.... just type in tgm into the console (i think it's god mode) if not tim will make you immortal... and play that way..
Otherwise the game is already quite easy enough, even setting my difficulty to maximum, i'm finding the level curve has made no reason difference, be it on easiest or hardest, doesn't seem to effect anything except that things hurt more at hardest, and since i'm already dead in a few hits, hasn't really changed the rest of it.

games have been getting baby-fed easier every since video games have gone hardcoe mainstream to the point that more people are playing games then they are watching tv or even playing other sports...

If you want an RPG that boasted immersion was the original kings quest.. and if you were able to survive even a few moments into the game without dieing... you were doing VERY well... Many people today, even the hardcoe, would scream out in total frustration if they tried to play that game.... not because it's horrible.. but because some of the things made sense, you fall... you die.... you do something the wizard didn't like you doing, you die.... save often and reload when you clearly made a fatal mistake or need to come at something from a different strategic angle
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Teghan Harris
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Post » Tue May 22, 2012 9:24 pm

I agree that there are ways to buff your character even further to help protect yourself against this, however the issue still remains as to why certain Archer characters, who are not bosses, can deal so much damage sometimes. I think it may well be some sort of glitch, even if they are scoring criticals, especially as they often manage it with poor equipment.

Need an "arrows just burst into flames when they get near me" passive ability :) Or, for stealthly / light armour characters, have a perk that means double left or right tap does a dodge roll...


That seems fair. I've noticed recently that my foes are now dodging arrows which I don't recall happening at lower levels. Seems like we need the reflect damage enchantment we had in Oblivion. Just hold block and watch the archer die from his own arrows. Combining it with the enrage spell was too funny.
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Post » Tue May 22, 2012 3:34 pm

Yeah you guys should use console mode to make yourself invincible of whatever you need to do to compensate in your life, but stop crying cuz there is a challenge. Maybe you didn't notice but most
PC gamers play on PC cuz they can finally get a challenge. Console games are horribly easy, it's not even fun anymore. Fallout was a joke even on max difficulty. Skyrim is the perfect balance of difficulty, at least
if you ask me. Just use console or get it to the easiest setting. I had to go trough a cavern taking like 10 minutes per enemy cuz they would 2 shot me. I sneak the [censored] out of this thing and it really was awesome. I'll really be pissed off if they lower the difficulty like they did in fallout.
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Emmie Cate
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Post » Wed May 23, 2012 1:26 am

Huh, some of you missed the point!, no surprises there I guess.

If the OP is anything like me, he's been taking down trolls, bears and other tough ones, I've beaten the crap out of deathlords and the priests versions(cannot remember the name), but there is one particular archer, if he sees you, you got little to no chance to get near him, it's an instant kill if he hits you, like I said in my last post, the only way I could finish him was with stealth.
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Soku Nyorah
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Post » Tue May 22, 2012 12:27 pm

I've had kill moves been done on me before, being stabbed through the chest in third person is rather annoying, but I like it. As well as a dragon literally eating me.
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alicia hillier
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Post » Tue May 22, 2012 7:52 pm

I guess I'll tell this story again, because I'm not seeing much about this. And I can't be the only one experiencing this garbage in the game.

I play an Altmer mage on Adept difficulty. I'm level 40+ with 250 Health and 400+ Magicka (I can't remember the exact number there... 430 now, I think). My skills: Destruction 88 (focused on lightning damage w/ Disintegration), Alteration: 85 (I have Mage Armor and Resist Magic perks maxed, with Stability and dual casting for more duration), Conjuration: 80, Restoration: 50ish, Alchemy: 100, Enchanting: 100. I don't bother with Illusion, yet, and probably never will. I wear all cloth armor with Destruction and Magicka Regeneration enchants on the head and chest, and Resist Magic on the ring and necklace. I have a total of 76% Resist Magic. I run Ironflesh at 240 Armor Rating, which doesn't seem to protect very much.

I know some of you are playing on higher difficulties and still I don't see many complaints about being one-shot-killed, but even if you were, at least it would make sense on the highest difficulty level. But there's something very fishy going on here, and I would like to know if it's a bug in the game, or just the way things are. And if it's the latter, then I think I'm going to have to quit playing, because I can't put up with this.

I go to Lost Knife Hideout (or Cave or whatever it is called), and clean the place out. I go up to the second level of the cave where the animal pens are, and go into the room. Thus far, I have had no problems killing anyone. Then suddenly my character dies and flies across the room in slow motion. My first thought is, "What the hell just killed me?" I reload and the same thing happens. Just suddenly, quickly, I fly into the air and I am dead. An arrow is sticking out of my shoulder.

So it's an archer, one-shotting me. I think, well, I will summon a frost atronach to keep him busy. It doesn't work.. the frost atronach immediately explodes and then I fly across the room in slow motion as I am one-shotted. This archer guy is killing my summon in one shot, and then me, too.

The third reload, I get between the archer and another bandit, and the bandit is hit by the arrow and immediately dies.
Then I die, next.

Something is wrong here. It can't really be this way, can it? They must have given these bandit archers too much damage by accident? Like added another zero on the end, by accident?

There may be something to archers now that I think about it. I have Nightmere and he's pretty tough. At Mehrune's shrine, two draemora and a frost troll couldn't kill him, however, a little later a Forsworn archer dropped him with ONE of his pathetic arrows. Weird.
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Amber Hubbard
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Post » Tue May 22, 2012 8:46 pm

but there is one particular archer, if he sees you, you got little to no chance to get near him, it's an instant kill if he hits you, like I said in my last post, the only way I could finish him was with stealth.

Cry Cry Cry! Go play a console game. Or cheat. Compensate for your shortcomings.

I, for one, think that Skyrim should be wall-to-wall Archers that do 500 damage with every shot. Forget the bears and dragons and bunnies that were put in to make the game easier for the console kiddies. Have it be nothing but Archers with Bows of Infinite Power. That's perfect balance! The whole game can then be just trying to dodge arrows flying all over the place. When you see them coming. You'll need to get better at the game by being able to look forward in time and know when an arrow is going to be coming toward you. That takes skill! Everyone crying about difficulty just doesn't know how to play the game.

In fact, forget it. I'm just going to go to the Throat of the World and keep jumping off it. If I'm not dying every ten seconds, it ain't fun damnit!
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Lifee Mccaslin
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Post » Tue May 22, 2012 2:50 pm

Never been "Home Run-ned" by a giant with a club?
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Setal Vara
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Post » Tue May 22, 2012 8:13 pm

no way, you need to understand that armor is still % style. damage reduction is (120 + AR)*0.12 and capped at 80%. So if you have 300 AR you can easy get 300 damage from power attack of heavy melee boss or archer's crit. So first check your AR. High AR reduces damage 5 times, but poor AR make you die in melee/from arrow. Blocking with shield nearly nullify all damage. Blocking with 2h if much worse.

Also I like challenge and I kill giants with steel dagger on master difficulty. Never have any problems, instead I think game is too easy. I have 370 damage with daedric bow and 290 with mace. So why 50 level enemy should not slay puny mage who has only 200 hp and does not wear highly smithed and enchanted armor? Man you just leveled wrong skills.
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Jeremy Kenney
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Post » Tue May 22, 2012 4:33 pm

Never been "Home Run-ned" by a giant with a club?

Too easy! Giants need to get close. I can run backwards pelting them with 100 iron arrows.

Now if the Giants had lightning bolt spells with 600 damage -- I'm there! And none of that 'passive unless you get close' garbage. Have them be hostile and all over the roads!
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Dorian Cozens
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Post » Wed May 23, 2012 1:20 am

Archers can do big damage but for the OP problem cast muffle and invisibility then drop a summon right at the enemy feet. They switch to melee and you giggle all the way to the bank.

I dont understand mages that just walk into fights either as you can draw an enemy onto your helpers/ summons by throwing magelight (any spell but even a non damaging light spell works)down a hallway and the enemy see it and come around the corner into melee range of your companion. After clearing a few rooms to give yourself space to move you can draw enemies to you and not go finding them.

My mage character also sneaks everywhere and drops summons in front of himself when he knows tough ranged enemy are in the next room and normally doesnt even enter combat. A fire atronach will wear archer health down even if it takes mutiple casts. A dremora lord for everything else. Laying field spells and runes on the floor will damage anything that kills your pets and comes looking for you and if your still in trouble run away.
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DAVId Bryant
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Post » Tue May 22, 2012 7:40 pm

One of the things I like about the game...the ability to be one shot killed at any moment.

Yeah, it makes the game better...try something else. You CAN dodge arrows easily..try to run in blazing at the guy and not get hit.
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Andrew Tarango
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Post » Wed May 23, 2012 4:32 am

Cry Cry Cry! Go play a console game. Or cheat. Compensate for your shortcomings.
Gotta love those flexed game muscles, do you do finger and thumb weight lifting using miniature dumbbells?
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Scotties Hottie
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Post » Tue May 22, 2012 4:55 pm

Gotta love those flexed game muscles, do you do finger and thumb weight lifting using miniature dumbbells?

'Miniature??!' What do you think I am, an X-Box player??
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Eduardo Rosas
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Post » Wed May 23, 2012 12:58 am

Huh, some of you missed the point!, no surprises there I guess.

If the OP is anything like me, he's been taking down trolls, bears and other tough ones, I've beaten the crap out of deathlords and the priests versions(cannot remember the name), but there is one particular archer, if he sees you, you got little to no chance to get near him, it's an instant kill if he hits you, like I said in my last post, the only way I could finish him was with stealth.

So it would seem.
There's a difference between being challenging, and being broken.
If I can go toe-to-toe with an elder dragon, how does it make any sense to be one-shot by a lowly bandit with a cheap bow? Please stop for a moment, clear your mind, and try to think logically about that. The enemy archers in this game are broken.
The boss fights are still hard, and yes I still die to the guys wielding battle axes if they hit me 2 or 3 times. At least I can run away from them and heal, get behind a wall, use a shout to stagger them, etc. But if a lowly archer with a broken bow hits me for 250+ damage through a wall, SOMETHING IS WRONG.
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