I like the first one better.
A tattoo is part of who you are. Many people in my family have a tattoo of our Coat of Arms. That's cool, because it's part of our identity. It's not cool to get your name tattooed in a language or speech that you don't understand and don't have any ties to because you like the way it looks. That seems to be the fad these days, and it just makes me cringe.
This I would disagree with, My tattoos have nothing to do with my Family or have any real Meaning in my life or story behind their reason. I just choose mine because I like the way they look, like hanging a painting on a wall. They are not names or tribal signs by the way......
My choice in the op's Tattoos would be 2nd one,
but I would suggest one on each Forearm or I would incorporate them both into a cirular border for a design of a larger tattoo on you back or chest. Now that would be cool.