But there have been some things that have made it a challenge for that to happen, namely lag. The other thing that has been an issue is people not using their mics. But this is the lesser of two evils. Here are some of the things that I've done on xbox to improve the experience.
1.) Clear your friends list of inactive gamers if your list is full. Mine was full. So I made room for Brink players. (I wish MS would expand the friend's list). Start finding Brink players.
Here's what works. Play in a mode which VOIP is turned on. Either Competitive mode, Advanced Mode, or Big Team. Big Team is the best but can be the laggiest. If you have a good internet speed like I do, here's a tip that works. Choose Big Team, My Rank or Higher, and choose a map that is not a map everybody plays. The maps that everyone plays are Container City, Security Tower, and Aquarium. Instead, do a search by selecting a map like Shipyard, Terminal, Refuel, or Reactor. This will many times force you to Host a match with bots. Don't worry, people will join once you ready up and start. If anyone has a mic, get them to talk by saying Hi, or what also works is invite them to join a Fire Team. Go to the scoreboard by hitting start and then scroll over a person's name, and invite them to a Fire Team. Many times this will persuade them to use their mic. Even if it doesn't, many times they will join anyway and what's great is that they will stay with you as you cycle through the maps. Even a player without a mic is better than a bot.
2.) Add these Brink gamers to your friend's list. Many friends will join you as you play, and automatically be put on your Fire Team.
3.)Do the Campaign missions online. Other people will join. Even if they do not use their mics, you will have a radically better experience than with bots.
4.) Be nice when you play with others. Do not yell to be revived by medics. Do not scream when you're losing the objective. And leave that lone wolf stuff behind.
5.) Start building up more than one character so that you can find groups to play with where you will be versatile. Don't say I will only be a Medic. That will turn some people off. Be flexible. Say you will load up another character. And then join back up.
6.) Dish out weapon buffs, health buffs, weapon upgrades, like you are dishing out candy to little kids.
7.) Ignore that you may die if you attempt a revive. Go for the revive instead.
8.) Say "Good Game" at the end even if you got slaughtered.
Peace out. Hope that helps!