Galmar's treatment of the Dark Elves is the reason why Chadric ended up supporting the Empire. See, that was his very first experience of the Stormcloaks as he was entering Windhelm, so he turned his back on them. However, he ended up regretting defeating Ulfric at the very end. As a result he intends to link up with the Stormcloak remnants, along with make political nice with the Empire in an attempt to, let us just say, do what Ulfric couldn't do with his rather blunt methods. I hope to make Chadric the El Cid of Tamriel, by bringing together all factions against the Dominion.
As for Einarr, he, as a sort of rogue Robin Hood type, is at first ignorant of the Stormcloaks' set-up; that and he just doesn't care. He doesn't like being given orders. He's his own boss and he wants to deal out justice his own way. But rest assured, he will end up joining, fighting and apparently dying for the Stormcloaks, although when that will be even I don't know! It'll happen when I feel it's natural for him to join, like when one of his future comrades persuades him or if he's put into a corner and feels he has no other choice.
Honestly? I'm finding the prospect of starting his playthrough and continuing Chadric's really exciting! I've built up quite an arsenal of ideas in the past few months and I'm looking forward to playing them through!
However, some of Chadric's playthrough will need quite a bit of modding for his story to continue to its final long term conclusion...