Hey guys, quick question
does anything happen if you leave the soul cairn without getting your essence back?
Hey guys, quick question
does anything happen if you leave the soul cairn without getting your essence back?
I'm not sure, but I once played for 200 hundred+ hours after forgetting to retrieve it. I don't remember any significant hindrances.
I can't believe you'd ask this question today! I just ran into this last night and was wondering the same thing. As far as I can tell from stats and interactions with NPCs, there doesn't seem to be a difference. I have yet to check the UESP.
Without retrieving it, you will continue to suffer your attribute penalties INSIDE the Soul Cairn until you retrieve it. There's no penalty when you're outside of the Soul Cairn (your stats are restored to full when you leave), but the penalty will be re-applied if/when you enter the Soul Cairn again. Retrieving your soul essence will restore you abilities so that you no longer suffer a penalty when travelling within in the Soul Cairn.
Ah! Very helpful, thank you. I did see everything back to full strength after returning from the cairn. NPCs, including the Dawnguard, didn't react with hostility either so I figured whatever the penalty is, it's a small one.
oh ok. so I guess the short answer is nothing happens unless you are in the soul cairn. but ive never gone back into the soul cairn after doing that quest so it doesnt really matter. But I did go ahead and get it for the experience points and because you get a full black soul gem out of it.