You are going to be in for a massive amount of disappointment some day, and probably sooner than you may be prepared for. Don't EVER get banned from Steam because you'll end up like two of my friends who got banned due to idiocy from the online purchasing. Banned, and now unable to play any of their Steam infected games. At least legally anyway.
Harbinger of bad news much?

I wish future brings all the good things for you and your loved ones, Arthmoor. :icecream: I hope your friends don't quit. Just look at the recent EA DLC ban issue.
Valve banning me, I wish. I totally drooled over new packs last sale but couldn't buy them since I had most of the games already.. Getting back my game library may cost less since packs now includes new $50 games, I would buy the packs for similar(even less) prices during sales and get whole archive back as a bonus. It is totally ridiculous. :rofl:
Simply put, you're wrong. As I've said before, I have no GFWL account to log into, therefore all games associated with it are by default being played in offline mode.
I know I can play in offline mode but I am not sure about bypassing GFWL completely(I will check if I can bypass it for GTA4.). Weird thing about its updates, it updates inside game, outside of game, needs restart of computer and then one or two more updates to finish its process. I'm OK with it though, updates are always welcome.
Real issue with GFWL, let me say this: Microsoft was my hope for PC gaming. But things changed.
FASA Studio(MechWarrior)
ACES Game Studio(Flight Sim)
Ensemble Studios(Age of Empires)
Halo 2 PC fiasco.
ALAN WAKE!!!!! PC version canceled.
Gears of War 2
Halo 3+
countless other exclusives. Midtown Madness franchise, I love it, one of the best games ever. Where is it now? Oh, XBOX 360 exclusive.
Currently their target is mobile gaming, they abandoned PC gaming for years now. I hope a comeback though, Flight, MW reboot, AoEonline... A little too late but still good news. We'll see. If we were getting silver and gold accounts, $50 memberships maybe they would increase the quality of their service.
In my next "Puter I may even try to get a Blu-ray drive (like watching movies on my rig) & also I still enjoy games that aren't on Steam)
If I get a Blu-ray drive, I might go all the way and get a PS3 instead since Steam is coming to PS3 anyway. :hubbahubba:
PS. I support Steam as a DD service because it is greatly beneficial for me. That doesn't mean I want games to be exclusive on it, I want
all games to be optionally available on Steam instead.
PPS. I also indirectly advocate Steamworks DRM because it is how I see the way to get rid of ridiculous DRM schemes but again, I am not
strict about it. If an
optional Steam version is not going to use any third-party DRM then I am all OK. If not this is The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, I would even get it from GFWL with tages, securom, it doesn't matter.. :tes: