You would think they would do this... I think it's up to the reporter. A good reporter would try to get new information, not ask the same old stuff.
Exactly. I mean, I understand that the interview wasn't specifically designed for the hardcoe TES fans only, the ones that sponge up any information immediately (AKA us) and is geared more toward informing people of the new TES game that are more casual fans, and introducing it to new people, but no one needs to ask about dragons. It's obviously going to be edited into the interview, and there's no way to NOT notice a dragon fighting a human. It's right there in the open for all to see. Mention it in passing and then move on to an actual question.
There are a ton of questions that could both inform the hardcoe fans and the casual or new fans.
What they did was make the game seem boring from either perspective. Why even include the "you can't be a dragon" part? That didn't even make the game sound good, there had to have been better footage to use than that.