I can't seem to give my char a level above 127. It is possibly that a players level could go higher than this
I may only be reading one byte of the level number, I'll check that.
Level (and other values) can be negative when they shouldn't be
If you set it to a negative in the save, the program will read your save. It's not set up to try to process everything, at the moment. If your character has negative skills, well... It won't hurt PHP or MySQL and will tell people there's something up with your char. It's possible to bottom them out at 0, if needed, but without messing with the save the game should do that.
Some of the returns from the server give far too much information. I can get the SQL errors back (which is not really an issue ATM, as it is alpha).
My debug version of the app returns even more info.
In the release version, the console window will be removed and the server will return minimal messages (usually single-byte error codes). Right now, with how things are changing and all, it's still helpful for users to be able to give the error messages they're getting, so that's still in.