(Future eye candy thoughts: )
In regards to the data you can showcase, as Fligg listed here:
* Current Activity (from user input)
* Current mood (from user input)
* Current location
* Cell name (coords if in "Wilderness")
* Current weather
* Is a vampire (and what clan)
* Is a werewolf
* # of kills as a werewolf
* Current companions
* Currently equipped items
* Amount of gold in inventory
* If Fargoth has been killed
* # of cliffracers killed
* # of arrows shot
* # of times a weapon has been "swished"
* # of hits on targets
* # of NPCs killed
* # of creatures killed
* # of times the console has been opened
* #of spell cast attempts (for each school)
* #of spell cast failures (for each school)
* #of spell cast successes (for each school)
I think most of that data should be shown in the badge system. Except for things like weather, companion #, equipped items and current cell.
Also, maybe the badges could be "grouped" into general areas, like Combat, Quests, Magika, etc, and each group would have a distinctive template badge. For example, all the Combat badges could have a red background, Magicka badges could be blue, and so on. Then each separate achievement would have it's own graphic over the background. Backgrounds could be ribbons, shields, circles, squares, whatever. Ideally each badge would have a name, but that might not be feasible.
Combat Badges could be:
-Cliffracers Killed (20 "Hounded", 40, 60, 80, 100, 200 "Juib")
-Accurate Hits (hits on target) (25 "In Training", 50, 100, 300, 500, 1000 "Master of Arms")
-NPCs Killed
-Creatures Killed
Magicka Badges:
-Spell Cast Attempts (20, 40, etc)
-Cast Failures
-Cast Successes
Quest Badges:
-Delivered the Package (the first MQ mission) (just a Done badge. As a way to see who plays full characters without the MQ)
-Informant (finished the "Zainsubani Informant" main quest. I don't think there should be badges for each quest, rather there should be a "check-point" series of badges)
-Second Trial /or Immune (completed the Corprus Cure main quest)
-Hortator (all three houses done)
-Nerevarine (all clans done)
-Hero of Vvardenfell (MQ done)
-Broke the Curse (Sleepers Awake side quest done)
-Backdoor Nerevarine (used the jury-rigged thingy-bobber successfully)
and so on and so forth.
Also, could there be a way to "float" badges around different character in the database? Like, one week "Joe" has the Rotten Luck (lowest luck) badge, and the next week "Jill" has it. Or should that just be a search function?
I'm just randomly thinking.