I was working on some of the site code.
-"Select the image you wish to upload. (It will be resized to 200x450 px, so for best results ensure your image is that size.)"
This doen't rescale correctly.
I double checked everything, it behaves exactly as intended. I suppose I just didn't explain it very well. It will never mess up the proportions, so it won't stretch your image. It will go to the smallest available of those two pixel sizes mentioned there. And it will never up upscaled, only ever decreased in size.
The CNE site counts screenshot uploads as "Updates", I didn't know that.
Umm...no it doesn't. I didn't make any code that does that. I just tested, uploading all three types of screenshots, and my character is still the oldest one there. Will you please double check and report specifically what you did?
-under factions archmagister is spelled archmagisteer.
I was wondering if the displayed skill/attribute stats could show the actual fortified skills/attributes along with the base skill/attribute level? The character I uploaded uses GCD so his unarmored skill shows up as 94 on the page, but is actually around 110 or so in the game.
So maybe the page could say 'Unarmored: 94 (110)'? It doesn't have to count towards anything (as it is open to abuse with potions) but it would be nice to see it displayed anyway
We have this data, it just isn't being displayed yet. I intend to actually do it like it does in the game and display different colors for the damaged/fortified stats.
Also I noticed the page displays the current magic effects active on the player. Would it be possible to display how strong each effect is too?
Sorry, that isn't possible with current scripting functions.
The ability to delete your own screenshots in the screenshots gallery would be nice. I accidentally uploaded the wrong picture once.
Yes, I do intend to add screenshot management abilities soon.