I haven't been able to test the latest since my PC is in the shop for a bit, so I haven't been able to break anything for you yet, Fligg.

I hope to get one more test run before Alpha is done.
Also I'm getting an error message when starting Morrowind(before choosing the save to load) Dialogue "" type "Journal" tried to become type "Topic". I believe the older version also gave this message. Let me know if you'd like any more info.
Fliggerty will have to help about your uploader problems... but that error is not likely from this mod, since it hasn't been on any previous version.
It is
usually harmless though. It's caused by EMPTY-DELETED topics being created (which is normal) when you make new dialog in a mod. Opening the mod in the CS, Saving, and then exiting will eliminate the error. Unless of course, you're
actually getting messed up Topics in your game.