I love the little weather quotes you came up with. "Flashes of lightning and cracks of thunder abound." Indeed! Brings me right back into the moment I left the game.
Glad you like that. I had fun with it. Considering adding a few random variations for each at some point. I sure would appreciate some suggestions.

Heh, check out Cerpin Taxts birthsign.
That's as far as I got before it gave me an error.
Lol...that is a pretty in-depth birthsign indeed. :rofl: Reminds me to put a text limit on those....
I will be adding descriptions to birthsigns upon "mouse-over," but that will happen after I learn javascript.
Marb, when you got the new download, did you also use the exe in that? The uploader was updated about two weeks ago, and the esp has been updated several times since. The last update I did I mentioned that only the esp was updated, perhaps that caused a bit of confusion? If so, I apologize for not clarifying it. So perhaps that is the issue.
Of course that wouldn't explain why you don't have the MWSE files written. Are you able to input "current mood" and "current activity?" If so, look in the MWSE folder again under Data Files and see if there is a file written for each of those.
If none of those suggestions get you anywhere, I'll send you my debugging version of the esp.
Nope. I've never seen that message.
What happens when you equip the Census Log again after setup is done?