As for progress... I'm finalizing the in-game upload (at least the program side of it).
Well my friends, the time has come to resume testing. :hehe:
The new download is available from the usual spot. I strongly urge you to entirely clean the existing plugin from your game before adding this one, or at the very least setting all of the global variables to 0.
You will be given an item called "Census Log" when you first load the mod. It will summon Fliggerty, who will greet you and take you through the setup. It is still a bit incomplete, and gives you some directions that are as-of-yet still irrelevant. But the whole thing should be fairly straight-forward and simple. Once the setup is complete, equip the log again at any time to record all of the data.
The uploading will all work the same as it did before.
The primary change you will notice at this point (besides the mod stuff of course) is that your map location will be recorded and health/fat/mag stats should be correct.
Please let me know about any bugs/ideas/impressions you see with the mod aspect.
And thanks again to all of you have helped us test this so far! We are in the final stretch of alpha development at this point. :goodjob: