Its your standard small-group combat-oriented RP, so I'm looking for 5-6 RP'ers, no more. You can post your sheets here, then I'll PM you to tell you if your accepted, denied, or what in your sheet you need to fix or edit. Please delete your post on this thread if I outright deny you, as to reduce clutter.
Detroit....when the bombs fell, almost every citizen was instantly ghoulafied. Most blame this on the already high background levels of radiation in and around the city. The last bastion of human survival is Vault 27, which was never part of a social experiment and holds over 600 citizens. When the vault was supposed to open for resupply, they found the entrance shaft and area around it teeming with the irradiated scum. The vault overseer has sent out a signal by radio, offering any surviving humans a safe place in the vault if only they clear the entrance shaft to allow the vault dwellers to go gather supplies from the city.
A group of wastelanders has gather together and made a pact. To enter the city, kill every ghoul in sight, and make it to Vault 27....or dont come back at all. You will have to enter the city, fighting off the swarms every step of the way. You all, for some reason or another, have finally decided that you can no longer live in the wasteland, which is why you agreed to go on this suicide run. Chances are you wont make it twenty feet into the city limits.
Rules are like every other god modding, no uber starting gear, no charicter killing. Be creative with your charicters and have fun with it.
Suggested Charicter Sheet:
Name:(Self Explainatory)
Physical Appearence:
Bio:(Your personality, your upbringing, and why you decided to risk everything.)
Armor/Clothing:(No Power Armor)
Weapons:(No More than 3-4, you can find better guns and you go)
Food/Medicine/Ammunition:(You'll need it. And you HAVE to list ammunition amounts. Something Realistic)