1. VB was never made, therefore those trogs never existed outside Fanon :spotted owl:
2. I prefer the F3 F:NV ones, to me a ghoul is supposed to look like a burn victim since they survived the Great War. The ones in F1-2 were cheesy and childish in my opinion. But to each their own.
3. I envy those who can play Dead Money. :sadvaultboy:
1. Don't care really, the design is still there and it's intact for future usage. The Pitt trogs were created due to the unique radiation mix and Ghosts were created by the unique red mist, Trogs on the other hand are easier to create, take a bunch of people, throw them into a cavern, let radiation slowly work it's way with them for a couple of generations and voila! Trogs.
2. Originally they were suppose to look cheesy, just like Super Mutants.
3. You'll get it on the 22nd though!