Cait and Bear371 got him animated, but I never got around to reskinning him. I have a zip file that includes the original textures and meshes, along with a file called 'testrobot.nif' which I'm pretty sure is the unskinned animated nif for the mech. I don't have a PC anymore, so I don't have a way to test any of this, if it can be tested ingame or checked in Max - my copy of Max was old back then, and I don't know how compatibility works for newer versions. There is also something called LN_Dwemer_Mech_armor.esp in there but I can't for the life of me remember what that was. Maybe a set of armor built from the pieces that either Bear or Cait put together and sent me.
Here are some pictures for size reference:
In the zip file I have, all the source textures, max files (one is the static, and I think the other is the animated one), and nifs are included.
If anyone is interested, let me know.