You enter a dark, slimy cave full of giant cobwebs. Within the cobwebs, you notice the skeletal, armor-clad corpses of dead adventurers and perhaps even the skeletal corpses of a few non-humanoid creatures here and there. You go further into the cave and notice clusters of slimy eggs the size of basketballs. The eggs start shaking and they pop open as many spiders proportional to the eggs in size pop out and start crawling towards you. You kill them all with ease and continue along your path. You get to a dark part of the cave and don't have a torch, yet continue going on, anyway. You hear crunching with each step you take and finally find a torch in your inventory. As you light it, you notice thousands of little spiders below your feet and on the walls of the cave and you realize they are what you have been stepping on. As you run away as fast as you can, you trip as the spiders crawl all over you. Suddenly they run and scatter away very rapidly as you stand up. You continue to go through the cave very cautiously and, after a short while, you believe you hear something behind you. You turn around and see nothing, then continue walking, think you hear something again, and turn around to find nothing, just as before. You repeat that process one more time, but this time, you notice something strange. There is a puddle of transparent goo on the ground. You look up only to have some similar goo fall on your face as you see a giant, furry spider twice your size clinging to the wall with its eight, giant, black eyes staring at you and the goo dripping out of its mouth. It drops down, lands on you, and bites you. You get knocked unconcious and regain conciousness to find yourself in a giant web. As you try to move, the spider and several of its children draw near, mouths open, and prepare to feast on your flesh.