ever seen female ogers/trolls in oblivion? thats what I thought
No, but I recall female goblins in Oblivion, although they all seemed to be shamans for some reason.
But I'd actually like to see distinct sixes for humanoid monsters, because it's always struck me as kind of absurd in fiction that monsters seem to all too often come in only one six, I mean, it makes sense for ones that don't... well, work that way, but since we can probably assume giants, ogres, trolls, and such, DO, it seems silly that only one six is ever represented. They shouldn't be sixy, of course, if the males are ugly, there's no reason why their female counterparts should be pretty, that's another common trope in fiction that makes no sense. It should be like the goblin shamans in Oblivion, if the males are ugly, the females should be equally so, just with signs showing that there are sixual distinctions.
I'd say animals should get visible differences between the sixes too, but since for most species, the only ones people would really be able to notice are... the kind of details, the models probably won't include anyway, I guess we can't have that.