My last girlfriend wanted us to watch "Vampire Diaries" together.. I hated it at first, but then sorta warmed up to it for her.. She was worth it. I didn't mind taking her to movies like Twilight or whatever, because in return she didn't mind going to watch Saw 7.

Such compromises I like to do as well. My previous girlfriend liked "girlie" movies (Or however they're called), and I simply didn't mind them. But as a compromise, I'd always trade girlie movies for better movies/TV shows.
We watch the Notebook? Sure! I don't mind, but let's watch Full Metal Jacket or another Kubrick movie yes?
We watch an Ugly Betty episode? Sure! But let's continue watching Rome after that.

Unless you're the cook or something.

No stable relationships at the moment, but loving the freedom it gives in any way possible. For now at least.