Hypothetical situation: You find a girl who doesn't play any games. She is perfect in every other way. What do you do?
I know it's not directed to me but I would definatly stick with her. Games aren't something that you're going to keep playing forever, but with someone who's perfect you can have a much better life. You are allowed to have lives outside of the relationship too.
Anyways I'm kinda confused as to why there's so much hate coming from both sides. If you are in a relationship good for you, but not everyone has found the right person or is ready for one. For someone like me who's only been in a few which ended badly, I'm not really looking for one right now, but if the right person comes I will go for it, but I've raised my standards a bit (personality wise, not looks). I'm having fun being a barstar right now though so I don't really see that happening in the near future. Anyways, no point in grilling the single people, especially over an online forum because you don't know whats going on in their life.
For the single people, don't act all high and mighty and that they are a waste of time. Especially to whoever said they're prolonged prostitution, you've obviously never been in a relationship, because thats nothing at all what they are like. I understand everyone's got [censored] going on in their life but why oppose the idea of one, especially if you've never experienced one before.