I will be doing nothing on that weekend. Save from Skyrim.
Genuinely, if Jessica Alba came to my door and started purporting sixual favours, I wouldn't know as I wouldn't answer the door. But if she broke in, then she would be getting no attention, as my Dovahkiin cleaves some Nord's head off.
Anything that gets keeps me from getting hurt or arrested is good in my girlfriends book. She might be going with me to the midnight release to pick it up :tes:
i don't have a girlfriend but, i will be bringing girls over from the club. i will make them sit on the couch and watch E3 with me. i will do things to myself. then i will make them do things with me right before E3 is over
I've had several situations like this. My girlfriend before last, one day, we we're supposed to spend a day together. But, I bailed on her to play a game I had gotten a few days previous. She bailed on me at the same time. A few days later, we came out with the truth of why we couldn't come. We had bailed to play the same game. 'Twas pretty awesome.
I will be doing nothing on that weekend. Save from Skyrim.
Genuinely, if Jessica Alba came to my door and started purporting sixual favours, I wouldn't know as I wouldn't answer the door. But if she broke in, then she would be getting no attention, as my Dovahkiin cleaves some Nord's head off.
I love Jessica Alba but if you switch Jessica for Lindy Booth in this context, I would not even play Skyrim for months.
My wife and I will be fighting over the PC to play it. Unfortunately, it releases ON her birthday. However, I am taking the week off as paid vacation, so I can play when she works. B)
One of my ex's who was big into fantasy quickly related to elder scrolls IV ,and trust me she wasn't much of a gamer, with that's pretty cool. Another one of my Ex's was obsessed with the customization aspect of video games after I showed her Dragon Age I pretty much had to let her create the characters in which ever game I played lol.If I date a girl I tend not to go for gamer girls, I usually end up converting them along the way. It's funner and more of a challenge that way.
I've had several situations like this. My girlfriend before last, one day, we we're supposed to spend a day together. But, I bailed on her to play a game I had gotten a few days previous. She bailed on me at the same time. A few days later, we came out with the truth of why we couldn't come. We had bailed to play the same game. 'Twas pretty awesome.
Thats not the story of a cheap Sitcom is it? No, i didn't think so
my wife used to be a gamer but with a new baby and school she doesnt have the time i wish she did . but we still find time to play Halo and Soul Calibur 4. she has seen me play oblivion and i talk to her about skyrim and she likes the setting of the game and the basic idea that you can be what ever you want and do what ever you want.